Club 600


Well-Known Member
Here is my outdoor plant, its got a shade cover over her so she is basically getting 600 watts of outdoor sunlight.


@ Jig, make sure you give the party cup a good flush too! Lol




Well-Known Member
Teetering on the precipice of horsemanurechat in here again last night....end of the world, fuk it all, do what you can. Stop being silly you lot, it's the Aliens that are messing things up, sheesh, them and their blerry chemtrails and massive concentration camps, bahahahaha.....

So at least the ganja is still flowing in here alongside the other stinky stuff:) Good show everyone, except Jig, "see teacher after class!":) snigger snigger.

What a fukking dumbass I am. I get up yesterday with one thing on my mind (the company payroll run). We have to pay our employees legally by the 25th in Holland, and for some reason I got it in my head that Sunday was the 25th. So Friday morning I am right on it paying our guys. What's the problem you all think? Nice employer paying his dudes before the weekend. They'll get paid by the 25th....of course they will! duh.......
However, my wife gets up, I give her a morning cuddle and send her bum off to the shower. I get back to work and carry on looking at my PC screen hoping to change the world (lol). Then my good wife comes back in and she say, "cool, i got a new Simon Mawer book from Ma and Dad". I look at her with a puzzled look. "Oh, you opened one of your presents today".......then there is a rather large creak in the floor boards and talk about WORLDS FUKKIN ENDING!!! YES THEY TEND TO DO THAT WHEN YOU GET YOUR WIFES BIRTHDAY DAY MIXED UP!!!!!!!!!!!! what a fukkin bell-end I am.
So after much huggin and apologising I went and bought her a Kindle (which she was over the moon about!) Thank the FSM Fairy that my wife is understanding of my complete frontallobotomyness. I did make up to her with her favourite dinner, home made carbonara, with loads of antipasta yummies, sweetened carrots, roasted peppers, roasted eggplant filled with tuna and mint among others. So the day ended well, and thankfully the World did not.

And here endeth my story.

Peace, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
and your crackin jokes about us talking about the world ending hahahaha your lucky the good lady is as understanding mate.

you're right though there are happier things to discuss.


Well-Known Member
It's like Macro and Micro. Off to tend to me back in a bit, probably stoned to the bone. One good thing about taking time out, 1 joint a night is getting me banjaroonied! (well, maybe a few bongs thrown in for good measure, lol).


Well-Known Member
well couple pics of the 2 purple kush and a bb dog and psycho killer

the 2 on the left of the 1st 2 pics are the purple kush, back right is the bb dog and front right is the bb psycho killer

3rd pic is my bb sweet n sour but have snapped 1 by mistake with my sausege fingers the one with the stick in.

last 2 pics the white shark i got last night and my bong just cleaned it haha


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lookin good bud. i have a similar bong. is that one of them carbon filter jobbies in the bowl? been wondering about one of those for a bit, sposed to make the smoke much smoother.