Club 600


Well-Known Member
HempCon 2013 in L.A sucks hermy dick! lol what a waste of time and money! I should of known better when there are cops hanging out at the entrance of HempCon. I was very disappointed. Other than that, hope you all are enjoying your Memorial Weekend.

whoever was asking about the PS3 pics, what are you exactly trying to do? PM me I might be able to help you.




Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone Happy Sunday. Have one more day of thanks for the holiday paid. Much needed. Any ways here's a few sample pictures of my girls under the 600. This would be day 20 of 12/12 maybe day 14 of flower. Hope you enjoy. Picture 584.jpgPicture 585.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lights just came on and had to check a few suspicious characters in the group, and found 4 males loitering with their balls hanging out shamelessly:
(started with 10 Extrema seedlings, and I'm running them 12/12 from seed)

There were also 3 confirmed females flashing their jiggly bits, and 3 yet to show gender (slackers, the lot of them).


Well-Known Member
Just got out of jail. Don't think I've ever been put in one room with so many stupid people in my life. OMG they were so fucking loud too, like it was a party or some shit.


Well-Known Member
I am sure you are glad you got that out of the way Hornedfrog. I don't like to pigeon hole people,(however I do anyway, lmfao) but why is it bergies and people of undesirable repute are always so freaking loud. I think it's because they are so dumb they feel they need to shout so that people think they have got something important to say. I had a rather dumb drunk guy pulling my sleeve at the pub the other day as I was putting my headphones on he shouted, "the music here isn't really that good is it?" he was being a wide-o as the place doesn't play music. I gave him 2 points for at least trying to be humourous, but deducted 5 for him being a loud annoying git!


Well-Known Member
I am sure you are glad you got that out of the way Hornedfrog. I don't like to pigeon hole people,(however I do anyway, lmfao) but why is it bergies and people of undesirable repute are always so freaking loud. I think it's because they are so dumb they feel they need to shout so that people think they have got something important to say. I had a rather dumb drunk guy pulling my sleeve at the pub the other day as I was putting my headphones on he shouted, "the music here isn't really that good is it?" he was being a wide-o as the place doesn't play music. I gave him 2 points for at least trying to be humourous, but deducted 5 for him being a loud annoying git!
Its ridiculous. It was like half the people in there were just happy to be getting a free meal and what not. Seven days of annoyance. Definitely won't be screwing up like that again... They were banging on metal, pounding on the windows n shit talking to their friends. I couldn't sleep at all during the night because they just fucking rambled on and on about shooting people, dealing drugs, why they shouldn't be in jail etc.


Well-Known Member
And you would have been the freak if you had told them to be quiet....what a pain in the rectum that sounded. The problem is trying to remind yourself about these things when you go to dd something you shouldn't be doing, haha.


Well-Known Member
And you would have been the freak if you had told them to be quiet....what a pain in the rectum that sounded. The problem is trying to remind yourself about these things when you go to dd something you shouldn't be doing, haha.
One guy put in a "kite" about them being too loud. Basically just a lockbox that you put your complaints in and the cops then read them. The other inmates fished his not out of the box, and it said "the two big black guys are being loud at night", or something to that effect. They grabbed his bed and ripped it off the bunk and just started chanting "snitches end up in ditches". They cornered him and the deputies had to move him before he got his ass whooped. Dudes were fighting over fucking juice boxes n shit. It was ridiculous. If someone was going to threaten me in there I would have just said hit me first and we'll see what happens. I would literally let a guy hit me so I can beat the piss out of them in self defense. The crazy thing was that the place I was in was for people who were pretty close to getting out. This place is run like a fucking max security prison.

I basically just kept to myself, respected other people, didn't say shit and went about my business. Lost like 20lbs when I was in there. The food was garbage. They were making like prison cuisine. When the lights went out they would take old food and make like burritos n shit ahahhahaha. They offered me some but I just turned it down, it was going through too many peoples hands and it was old food man.


Well-Known Member
lockbox doesn't sound very "locked" to me, lol....poor sod, at least he got out of that cell though.


Well-Known Member
lockbox doesn't sound very "locked" to me, lol....poor sod, at least he got out of that cell though.
They moved him into "little mexico" with all the Mexicans. The guards pretty much just let the place govern itself. When that guy was about to get his ass kicked I just snuck off into the shower. I didn't want to be any part of it.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone! I ran across a couple of neat youtube videos that are badass....the first one is a concept IPHONE 6 preview (it's not real).



Well-Known Member
I hate iphones software. it was a great gimmick for a decade or so with iTunes and what not forcing people to spend money on there, but they better find some new avenue of suckering peoples cash.


Well-Known Member
I hate iphones software. it was a great gimmick for a decade or so with iTunes and what not forcing people to spend money on there, but they better find some new avenue of suckering peoples cash.
Apple is just for yuppies with too much disposable cash. You can get the same shit on an Android phone for half the price because the Android phone doesn't have that stupid Apple logo on the back of the casing. The same goes for their laptops and just about everything else they sell....but people keep buying the stuff and I can't quite explain why.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone! I ran across a couple of neat youtube videos that are badass....the first one is a concept IPHONE 6 preview (it's not real).
Just looks like a re-hash of this from years ago... [video=youtube;TLMq0pyJ_lM][/video]