I've been less than happy with 3M and duck tape lately.
Liking the Gorilla.
Well 6er's I think I have my GF talked into a vacation in Dec. I figure with my outdoor and indoor I'll have 4-5lb's in Oct. I've been trying to talk her into letting a friend take what's extra that we can't smoke up. In the past it would have to last as long as possible but this year only about 2 months. She finally agreed once she found out I wanted to use the money for a nice vacation. So since we both have off for Christmas Break till the after the newyear's we decided to check into a Europe Vacation. I found a site where you can pick your own destinations. We know for sure we want to see Amsterdam and Venice but up in the air from their. I did a couple versions such as Amsterdam, Paris, Venice, and finally Rome in that order. The price with Airfare, Hotels, and Transportation for 10 days is only $5,000. As we all know that's easily obtainable from what I have outside and even have spending money. I'm posting this just incase some of you in the 600 over there might have a suggestion on a place to checkout either for destinations or another place to checkout their vacations. I have about 2 1/2 months to plan. We both are very much into art, history etc...
What's up 6ers? All good i hope.
Question for DST... Are there any cafe's in a'dam that stock the dog?
Me and a bunch of mates are coming out there in october for my bro inlaws stag weekend. Showed a few of them the dog in HT and they told me to ask.
Also what's the best/bizziest nightclub to go to for hardstyle/hard house?
dunno if your into it but... Where would i find good ecto's over there?
I can recommend loads of places, but best done when I am slightly more brain to hand coordinated.
If you are smokers I would def initely try to check out Spain, Cataluna its pretty much decriminalised - Barcelona. They have smoke clubs, as well as it being a great City.
For art, the whole of Europe, any city you choose really but I can be more specific about my particular experience tmorrow, shame you can only do 10 days. And of course I can bore you to shreds about the Dam....fuk, you might not even want to come, lol.
Whodat I've got a few questions for you about soil since what I've seen you are the best person I can ask on or off the web without to much issues. I have a guy coming to back fill and such around my house in the end of sept. or beg. of oct. My main ? is I have him opening up me a area for a regular garden next year. As I've mentioned I have a lot of clay on my land. If I get a load of sand and till it in then put plastic over it till spring then till some composte and moss in it will it be useable. Here our some pics of the dirt in the area I'm asking about from where I planted this year. I also included the area to be cleaned. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.View attachment 2749061View attachment 2749062View attachment 2749063
First things first get a soil test I would think. And dont add sand to the clay, it will give you something even worse. I'll get some stuff together for ya seeing as I dont know off the top of my head (id like to look into it anyway). My guess though is adding tons of compost and other amendments (depending on soil test) then tilling it all in ONCE then no more tilling! From then on to build real soil health you start from the top and let the lifeforms down under eat and set everything up the way they want it. Its important to have a "soil armor" when its exposed to the sun and elements to keep it from frying and or washing away. Tilled up with PLENTY of organic matter and topped with a thick layer of hay for protection. While that breaks down Id prob get to business in raised beds on top then next season its all nice and ready. Adding worms will help allot and their benefits compound each year.