Club 600


Well-Known Member
Someone explain this to me please....

"A Florida school bus driver has been suspended after she was caught on cellphone video allegedly texting while driving a bus packed with middle school students...................... A Florida law to ban texting while driving goes into effect Oct. 1, although bus drivers will be exempt."

edit: HGP woot woot loks awesome :-) Sorry about the PK though,,,, Get better will ya!


Well-Known Member
Sorry cant whodat :) But damn im tired of people thinking when there is a red light that means texting time. They never see the green coming back on! I never saw that 5 years ago, whats happened?
A tv program is running in DK called luxury trap. Its when people get way of economical they can get help and show the world they are freaks. I kid you not! The last program a woman 43years of age stopped working and started playing facebook games. Omg she was down 3k$ every month on facebook.. Crazy addict.
The last three days my girl has been face deep in her phone playing Candy Crush on facebook. Should i worry? :)


Well-Known Member
Hey HG - Get well soon! Grow looks dank :)

Take some zinc (brand here is ZICAM) and you will get better faster. If you take it before you expose yourself to people or plants it will prevent you from getting sick.

Cheers with salt,


Well-Known Member
Greenhouse skeleton is done! Just need to protect the wood with some sort of coating - oil, paint, deck stain, varnish... Any wood experts on here that can steer me in the right direction?



Well-Known Member
I also always look forward to lights on, reloader... Thats why when these ladies hit 12/12 they'll be on alternating cycles giving me 24hrs of dankness while also cutting down on my cooling needs. There's few things I enjoy more than watching the plants.

pr0n and pAste.

Das Plantes. Im loving that upskirt!


The flakes you see all over the plants= "Predator mites are mixed with a fine powder (corn-cob grit) to give them bulk."

Wind burn.

And more of the same old.

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Well-Known Member
Just fantastic whodat. Mo I would use a natural sealer like cabbots or something similar. I like red colored woods so definitely am digging your green house. Tell you what you get done you can come build me one


Well-Known Member
Morning 6ers.

whodat, you blowing up or down in your vertical. I just changed my fans to blow down as I think our plants prefer wind on top of the leaves rather than underneath which I found always burnt the shit out of the big fans.....


Active Member
I also always look forward to lights on, reloader... Thats why when these ladies hit 12/12 they'll be on alternating cycles giving me 24hrs of dankness while also cutting down on my cooling needs. There's few things I enjoy more than watching the plants. Quote]
That's so cool. I'm hands on, but I love just staring at these plants in amazement. You & I both know the pics are just not nearly the same as being there. I run 4 plants spaced out 2 weeks apart, so I'm always at various stages of flower. You got a Kick ass set up man, I dig your pics.



Well-Known Member
I am pretty sure that he is blowing up.

That "upskirt" (sic in more than one may ;0) shot shows just the
bulb against the ceiling. I think that Jigs vert system does the same,
with a large fan on the bottom, blowing up.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
Thanks yall I really appreciate it.

D, Im blowin up and never thought about the burn but think theres something to what you said about it. Im pushing up for thermo dynamic reasons (omg just saying it made me dizzzy) Id like to pluck some of those suckers though for site exposure,,, im sure you pouring one out for those poor fan leafs lol


Well-Known Member
This is what I just bought for my mite problem. 100% organic, 100% guarantee, Clove Oil, Cloves and tropical extracts. Applied a few minutes before lights out/sundown....

Fingers crossed this clears my greenhouse and stank room.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
this can be used as a prevention or an eradicator. the prevention method is just diluted a bit more......morgen bongojoint for me. brb.


Well-Known Member
That is so true. ...but that particular brand is not available here.

Is there a similar clove based material that we use?
