Club 600


Well-Known Member
The smaller countries are worried about losing money from the U.S. guboment that's paid out to fight the "War on Drugs" around the world.
Since the U.S. is now "allowing" legalized cannabis, they are being called to the carpet for being hypocrites.
But mostly, it's about lost "drug war" revenues in cannabis producing countries.

Hypocritzers, all of them!



Well-Known Member
Love it. "Now shut the fuck up, and smoke my weed"
"Thats alabama kush, only the finest" lmao

Heres a longer version.



Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I read this elsewhere:
Ed Rosenthal used to have a chart and article in his Marijuana Growers Guide that showed relative THC levels between male and female plants in the pre-flowering,early flowering,and flowering stages.
Does anyone know where this might be found?




Well-Known Member
Fireballs!! Oh snap this is what comes to mind. Skitrip with the club, i was 13years at that time. Being the coolest kid ever i was the only one to have a note from my mom saying i was allowed to to whatever they seemed fit. lol. So first day after skiing(Oh we are in austria) the older club guys 18+ takes me to a strip club :D Wauuuuw redbull vodka and titties !! Yihaa they had to drag me out :D And i was wasted. Still 13 years of age, lol :) Great evening! But the next morning i was so sick. Just puke on puke on puke.
The others where down eating. When suddently the same group i was having a blast with last night storms in the room! This ia all a bit blurry but not the pain! They yell and scream something like:"So big boy was at the strip club. Lets see them balls! Got hair after last night?!"
Then they stripped me naked. Placed me face down, spread my legs, and empty a can of deodorant on my balls! I cannot explain how much this hurt. I was crying and screaming they just kept on. Most of them were boys i looked up to, that was a fucked up experience. Shit. FIREBALLS!
On another note. I was so happy high last night it was crazy! Almost psychedelic. The high was more of a low shroom trip lol. Great bong mix. 0.6g Snowcap, 0.3g scissor ultra lemon haze hash and 0.2 Lemon Skunk dry sift. Hell yeah it was great when i stopped coughing :D
Looking awesome DST, cant wait to have a dog scrog of my own :D


Well-Known Member
oh my god, that's brutal icebaws mare like:shock:

the Danish right of passage, can of deo emptied on yer nutsack, lol


Well-Known Member
Looking good 6er's. I feel you bassman on the chopping early. So far only 1 has had to totally come down bevause of bud rot or whatever. The weather is some what cooperating so far. It's been high 30's to low 40's every morning but no rain in a week and only 1 day with showers forecasted for the next 7 days. I'm aiming for next Friday with the rest of my jack and silver berry. My big bang is completely finished. That's my fri. project after class this morning. My kalashnikova is still 3-4 weeks from finishing.



Well-Known Member
Yet another reason I'm,glad I've never been on skis. Ffs! Hydro you are full of stories. Glad yer nuts didn't fall off.

was reminiscing about crazy things that happened as a youngster and something came back to me. Had sorta forgot, or put out of my mind.

I had a friend Joey. Nice kid... Had a younger sister and two older brothers. Sis was a good kid too... Older brothers not so much. I spent the night at their place once. Not sure if parents were there or not. To tell the truth I never saw their parents once in my life. Anyway... I really don't remember how things progresses to the point they did... The older boys were taking the clothes off me and lol sis until me and lol sis are in our underwear and they are pushing me on top of the poor girl. Telling us to kiss and such. I think I must have been 8 or 9. Sis a year younger.
had no idea what was going on just getting pushed around. I guess they got disappointed when it didn't turn into a live porno or something and let us be.

weird shit kids do. And maybe a reason I'm so obsessed with sex??? I don't know. Hope that girl turned out ok. Me thinks that was not an isolated incident at their place. :(


Well-Known Member
Hahaha oh yeah. But im a stoner and i cant remember until something kicks on a memory :D Just the -Glad ya nuts didn't fall off. I have nuts stories for days. lol. Poor balls. Still shooting out 65mill seeds though :clap:
That story is crazy. Bruuh! But guess weird shit like that happens more than you think. Ive been part of trying to breed a boy and a girl in the kindergarten. Thats a couple weeks after my cousin tried to make babies with me. Oh yeah she stripped me down and lay on top of me for 10mins, done. I was a father. lol
But to top it all of. I was run down by a motorcykle. He felt bad and had me over for playing. He dropped me of with his maniac daughter. She was a doctor-she said-putting all sorts of things where they should not be. The end. Terminate memory!
Arghhhh Toke toke toke toke toke toke