Club 600


Staff member
were having issues with some users with pics atm. riu was currently offline for a few mins a bit ago it shouldbe back up soon


Well-Known Member
Harvested a couple more micro trees today:

Marion Berry #3

Scott's OG #10

Smells like there is a dead skunk in my front yard!



Well-Known Member
morning peeps, have a nice relaxing sunday, i'm going for a proper roast with the family today and that will be the most strenuous thing i'll be doing!

jig i hope you got some quality sleep, what time did you post? 2-3 am?....

i've had no problems sleeping lately, the last 3 nights i fell asleep on the couch after smoking deep blue. this stuff is potent, especially considering it was still growing less than a week ago


Well-Known Member
cheers doobs, it seems our parents had a great new years eve party eh?

jig i don't know what happened this grow but it's like a completely different strain to the one i have grown 4-5 times, in pretty much all aspects. i don't think i've ever had pot that could do this to me, usually i would not like to smoke for a couple of hours before bed as i think it keeps me awake. maybe i'll build some sort of tolerance up as i smoke more.


Well-Known Member
Jig, I'm going to have my van painted olive drab green with white lettering for my business. What do you think? Wheels and all is what I was thinking so it looks a little military.

This is the same year and color as mine to give you an idea of how she looks now. Betty White is how she's known around here now. Old, funny and cool, lol


Well-Known Member
D your first mistake was trying to upload before you did the waken'bake! Gees what are you some kind of nooooob or something? RIU will not load your pics unless your stoned!

Hope everyone is having a good sunday so far! Im gonna have to go out in the rain and harvest my outdoor babies, they are already suffering from bud rot and worms! Poo!


Well-Known Member
well to day was the day. had a neighbor call the cops on me, about weed smell. was trimming in my garge when they came. said i had to many? and found my hash. so they told me to pull them, or i was going to jail! anyways. they let me keep some, so i keepd qrazy qauke, and cherry pie, larry og, and i think a larry og stran. yeah today suck, but still have 2 lb of smoke. glad im, also not in jail. had 17 outside, and 4 inside in veg- still keep my seeds and cherry pie clones. also have my gear. lol, time to start sowing qrazy qauk seeds.
Shit man that sucks at least u know who called the cops the case ime fighting I was told if the public defender tells me where my charges are coming from my public defender can get charged with some bullshit so basicly I got narked on and there concealing there identity but I have a good idea who it is


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Quick update. Making bubble is hard fucking work. Did 4 washes and im to tired and stoned to wash again even though i could. Forgot thet it is somewhat crucial to have it semi dry before putting it on the glass. Learned the hard way :) Looks awesome though. Hits like a train. Ill post some pics in a bit if i can get myself to it. lol


Well-Known Member
D your first mistake was trying to upload before you did the waken'bake! Gees what are you some kind of nooooob or something? RIU will not load your pics unless your stoned!

Hope everyone is having a good sunday so far! Im gonna have to go out in the rain and harvest my outdoor babies, they are already suffering from bud rot and worms! Poo!
Same deal here with the budrot and wormies, and I am chopping as well.


Well-Known Member
I have a week predicted of no rain and lots of sun, so I'm trying to leave them out till Friday. Its a fine line when trying to beat bud rot and worms and still leaving them to finish

On a different note, I finally got my bubble hash to turn out brown.