Club 600


Well-Known Member
When I worked in someone elses office I use to drink coffee, right about the same time I use to smoke tabs as well. I use to drink a lot of coffee when I was single as well, but I was also hungover most of the time:) Now I seldom drink coffee, unless it perhaps has some whisky in it. I am more of a rooibos and Earl Grey tea drinker.


Well-Known Member
I learned yesterday that tea is the most drunk drink in the world after water. Not sure water is a drink though. And wooohoooo on earl grey causing hallucinations. Like you said d... I guess we need to drink more.

speaking of tea I shared the thompsons punjana with a family friend and they loved it. Funny too because they fancy themselves a real tea snob. She was saying I shouldn't bother giving her any as it most likely wouldn't meet her standards.

thanks again to the big homie from the toon.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I got you jig! All hail to the punjana :lol: I predict me n westy will go through a box in the cup week! I hope the dutch do good biscuits....

EDIT: I'm curious, what was said tea snobs preferred cuppa?


Well-Known Member
tea snob, lol. An "I only have fresh leaves type of person", bore off. I also find the Dutch mad the way they drink their tea (they are more renowned for drinking coffee). It's like they just show the hot water the tea bag and then off it goes in the bin, not so much as 30 seconds to even let it brew a bit...fukkin pish water to me basically. And yes, I like milk in my tea, I am British! I once went into a Marriot and order Earl Grey for my Mum and I. They delivered it without Milk (this was in Glasgow of all places). I went up to the bar and asked for som emilk. The twat behind the bar replied...."what, with Earl Grey?!?!", to which I replied, "I didn't ask your opinion, I asked for milk!" to which he scurried off and got me a pot of milk...fukkin twat!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that is something that most Americans do not know either....that
milk is supposed to go with only breakfast teas.

I like milk with my tea, but then again I like dark (esp breakfast) teas.



Well-Known Member
Tea is fucking nasty, at least by my account of what types I've ever tried. I see no point for it to exist! I didnt start drinking coffee till I was 20 either, thought that was the nastiest shit ever when I'd sneak a drink of my dads. Lo and behold... I guess in that sense then I could have acquired a taste for tea just the same! I'm sorry Tea!


Active Member
Mmm... Rooibos, lemon, honey and maybe a tiny bit of klippies. Hot toddy!

When I worked in someone elses office I use to drink coffee, right about the same time I use to smoke tabs as well. I use to drink a lot of coffee when I was single as well, but I was also hungover most of the time:) Now I seldom drink coffee, unless it perhaps has some whisky in it. I am more of a rooibos and Earl Grey tea drinker.


Well-Known Member
Man I trimmed 10 oz yday, and my hands are sore today.
I plan to bleach down the garage b4 I chop and hand the Dogs and the OG.
Anyone have any advice for more tips to keep the mold spores in there from infecting the stuff I hang 2nite?


Well-Known Member
Man I trimmed 10 oz yday, and my hands are sore today.
I plan to bleach down the garage b4 I chop and hand the Dogs and the OG.
Anyone have any advice for more tips to keep the mold spores in there from infecting the stuff I hang 2nite?
Fresh air is the enemy of mold.

This is a Trusted Cultivator talking.




Well-Known Member
Hrm! Cannot add an image to my post...

View attachment 2860239


P.S. Have you guys ever had an image for which the setting dialog
would not map to the screen successfully? I mean that when I double
click the image that the dialog that pops up immediately disappears.

