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What's up everyone? Happy Friday thank god. Here's a few pics of my sexy ladies under the 600. Hope you guys like. View attachment 2879250View attachment 2879251View attachment 2879253
Gas burners is how a co2 generator operates.This is also why i think a sealed room should be vented with fresh air change over a few times at least a day.
No man.Sounds reliable!
Does it lose any flavor as I have heard some portable ones do?
Thats a trip cuz I have a cape too! I run around the house with it all the time! Sometimes I'll even go outside and not care what people think of me!Hey Max, no ones going to call you an idiot for participating in a discussion. We actually welcome opinions, facts, and back n forth here. Your part of the deal is to not preemptively call us idiots for comments we haven't made yet... Kinda shoots the conversation in the foot. I know I'm not the only one enjoying all the discussion on gasses and such. Keep it rolling.
yourkshireman. You inspired me to go out and buy a cape the other day and I love it. Smoked or rather vaped right at the gas station with no worries. The thing I got is made of mostly wood... It's cool I think. I'll post up picks later on.
I also set up one of the new led panels I got. Holy shit its bright in the closet. I'm running it all night to see what temps do. I think I'll need to add heat to my grow this winter. Maybe run a 250w.just for the warmth.
What they call a sealed room is what it is a sealed room.Some on here argue a sealed room does not need to be ventilated.But for the reasons mentioned ..the flames burning up the oxygen in the room.unbalanced room air/co2 mixture.ect.The room is still sealed.It is just vented of all of its atmosphere and replaces it with fresh air from time to time and regenerate fresh co2.
The medical marijuana growers bible also discus's the need for fresh air change over in a sealed room.
In a home that is sealed up to tight there is a problem we call sick house syndrome.It is where there isnt enough infiltration air into the home and the air becomes stagnant. People living in these types of homes are sick all of the time from the lack of fresh air change over.The same thing can and will happen to your plants if they never get fresh air change over..
There are going to be some on here who will straight call me a idiot..and say a sealed room does not need air change over.
Well ive got like dozen technical books sitting right here in my office that says different,even common sense is going to say..hey..the flames burn oxygen.and if the oxygen is not replaced or refreshed maybe it will run low..or out in the room or become stagnant.
Now some idiot is going to inform me that plants breath back out oxygen..This is true..but do you know at what levels it is putting out oxygen vs what levels the burners and the roots of the plant are using up at any given period? The answer to that is NOPE.
Knowing the construction of a building or structure such as a green house and the R factors of the glass the size of glass in it or even if the green house is made up of glass i could tell you the heat load that would be required to heat it.also needing to know the latitude of the green house to obtain average winter temps for the area in question.Also needing the size of the enclosures surface area.
Green houses in my area do not normally operate in the winter months it is just to cold and the way green houses are normally constructed in my area they lose massive amounts of heat.
Almost all glass but the most expensive glass not normally found in green houses (most of them around here are made of tarps/films)lose massive amounts of heat. It is the nature of glass it does not hold heat very well unless it is constructed to..even then it doesnt hold it well.
Ive never been in a green house that is sealed extremely tight. Im sure they exist someplace.But the large ones ive been in all have great big huge ventilator fans at the ends of them with air infiltration all over the place.The smaller ones normally have doors with seams and cracks and windows also with seams and cracks..air infiltrates through all of these areas.
Heat always transfers from the warmest to the coldest..its a law i read someplace.
Some is sure to think of these big glass high rise type sky scraper buildings that are made of exterior glass construction.
Most of these large buildings you see require massive amounts of cooling they generate huge amounts of heat.The owners of these buildings also have deep deep pockets.
But these buildings in the spring fall and winter months require less cooling than other buildings constructed of lets say concrete.Because the building generates so much heat the glass works transferring the warmer inside temperatures to the colder outside atmosphere.
One of the worst most expensive construction fuck ups ive ever heard of was caused by the design engineer of one of these buildings undersized the cooling equipment than it all had to be tore out and replaced.I cant tell you how many millions that cost.
The next worst was a female plumbing foreman hired for a job by a large company around here was contracted to do some apartment complex plumbing.Well she ran all of the main sewer lines up hill.The company hired and used her because the government told this company they needed more female and minority employees.REGARDLESS if they are competent and qualified to do the job.
Well to make a long story short the first rule of plumbing is shit doesnt run up hill. The company had to jack hammer out all of the concrete tear out all the carpet in the buildings and half the walls that were already finished and painted.It cost them huge loot.
If this woman worked for me id would have shot her ass..not only did they not shoot her they kept her on, didnt even fire her.
I almost burned a building down one time brazing in some refrigerant lines. That was exiting it was a frat house i was welding under a two story eve off of a 20 ft ladder.The siding started to torch up . we ran around the building up almost three flights up stairs and started throwing water on it.I forgot my fire exting. on the ground so we were throwing water on it..not fast enough i might add and then some guy saved the day and produced a fire exting. out of his ass and put it out.
Me and the other guy i was working with sit down tired and adrenaline pumping..and he asked me..what would you have told the boss if you burned this building down.
There's a clip left with some stat's from the chamber.He eventually traps himself in this here box for a few days