Club 600


Well-Known Member
Pictures taken at obscure angles, at strange times in the mornings, by a man with sore arms and eyes like fire....

the clones on the top are the tops of the clones on the bottom that have been cloned....yesh.



wall of slobber

anyone notice anything strange about this photo?

Yins of ill repute>



Well-Known Member
well im glad to say i got a little bit pyscho killer off my m8 last night and i have found a pip in it, now i havnt heard anyone mention any pips from this lot so im hoping its a good thing and will be feminized...... but the first cut was subject to powdery mildew and all cuts i took off ended up with it.......

is there more chance the seed will now grow with pm, or just the same chance as any other strain thanks lads will be getting a few pics of my pm caramel ice today dirty bastard man


Well-Known Member
The tent is 1.5 meters. The harvest was over 700g and the veg period was 2 weeks.

Heres a lighter to show scale. It is 4 plants in a 1 meter NFT which is why you can see slight space at the edges.

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Well-Known Member
The pron is looking awesome 6er's. I got my new grow shed started yesterday. My 11 year old daughter helped me, surprisingly a lot more than expected. So I paid her $50 because she made my life a lot easier. 468.jpg


mr west

Well-Known Member
jus watching south Africa play Scotland in the rugby lol, SA just scored, one of many no doubt. Come on Scotland!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh no D must be torn lol.
About the stickers D, Iv been on a bubble handicap the past week or so.

Hey everyone the pr0n is amazing as usual. Thanks goes out to both the regulars and new posters for giving me plenty to masturbate to, thanks.

Jimmer,,,, I hope you build an addition soon lol. "Is the grow room big enough?" there is only one answer to that question.

Wake n bake on blue pit, nibiru, and bubble,,,, Im ripped bongsmilie
Saints vs 49ers today woot! I'll make a trip to the grocery for game food of some sort,,, THEN the frothy brew can commence to flow!


Well-Known Member
me babies day 35/36 of 12/12
1st 3 afghan kush
2nd 3 blue rhino
3rd 3 caramel ice( powdery mildew)
4th 3 critical 47
last 3 them back in the tent together