Club 600


Well-Known Member
That just sounds not good. Is it reindeer meat?
I am proud(as if I had anything to do with it) of my scottish heritage…..I have read how haggis is prepared and I have seen pictures of it and that's as close as I ever want to get to it. I think every culture has a food item that dares you to try it and you have to be drunk first…..


Well-Known Member
i can't even speak english ffs. i did spanish at school but i wouldn't even try and have a conversation with somebody, you might get the odd, grassyarse but tthats about it.

you know what they say, ignorance is bliss..........

don't ever diss haggis james, not cool man, did you know if you eat a pound of haggis to yourself it actually makes your testicles larger, fact!


Well-Known Member
you never know what you like until you try it.

try some bass, i know you'll like it, i could eat it for any meal, especially breakfast with two poached eggs mmmmmmmmmm.

what's the best and the worst you had?

i remember as a child eating frogs legs and really enjoying them, then when i heard what they were i threw up, purely psychological of course.

i went down on an aussie bird once, not lying it tasted like vegemite, salty and sticky


Well-Known Member
liver……can't tolerate smelling it cooking, never sure any ever went into my mouth, if it did it was hidden well

rib eye roast and grilled asparagus and then sex


Well-Known Member
you never know what you like until you try it.

try some bass, i know you'll like it, i could eat it for any meal, especially breakfast with two poached eggs mmmmmmmmmm.

what's the best and the worst you had?

i remember as a child eating frogs legs and really enjoying them, then when i heard what they were i threw up, purely psychological of course.

i went down on an aussie bird once, not lying it tasted like vegemite, salty and sticky
borewers sausage, mebos, anything with curry...awesome!!

Worst is hasma, oh I dont like brussel sprouts either


Well-Known Member
The nose is very close to the mouth for a good reason….if it passes the nose test I'm in…..goes for food AND sex.


Well-Known Member
hasma, i was wondering what it was, the way you just wrote hasma had me thinking, i've never heard of this i wonder why??!.

google tells me it is frog fallopian tubes! what the actual fuck, or indeed where the fuck did you get these?

sprouts are the bomb, like mini cabbages but they release a lot of gas in your stomach. i will be farting a lot on boxing day.

lol james, sometimes it's hard to know about the fishyness until it is too late though! nothing worse than when a girls doesn't tell you she's on, oh sorry i didn't know, yeah right! it's like flowing like lava down there!


Well-Known Member
hasma, i was wondering what it was, the way you just wrote hasma had me thinking, i've never heard of this i wonder why??!.

google tells me it is frog fallopian tubes! what the actual fuck, or indeed where the fuck did you get these?

sprouts are the bomb, like mini cabbages but they release a lot of gas in your stomach. i will be farting a lot on boxing day.
Some Cambodian or some type Asian restaurant cooked all sorts of weird shit, and this was supposed to be a dessert.
So nasty and slightly jellied.
Texture is important as well as sweet and fishy flavors combined dont mesh well for me.


Well-Known Member
The nose is very close to the mouth for a good reason….if it passes the nose test I'm in…..goes for food AND sex.
The safe way to smell test:

LOL, I was looking for that
"if you can smell it from across the room, it is not the good shit"
image...WTF!! LOL



Well-Known Member
That just sounds not good. Is it reindeer meat?
Neigh, lad, 'tis not reindeer in the burgers when you pony up your money and pay the hoarse-voiced kid at the counter.
It takes a steedy hand to flip those burgers.
You'll hoof to trust me on this one.

It's horse.



Well-Known Member
I got my 600 bulb today for the garage diy tent.
I had a 400mh in there for the 1st 17 days or so of 12/12

I just realized that I had the damn ballast at 400 watts still lol.
It already (SEEMED) brighter than before lol so I didnt notice.

I think Ill switch to night though as it gets wicked cold out there at night. (54* last night)


Well-Known Member
my grow room has been getting down to the 50's lately, i don't see it as that much of a negative though seeing as what they have had to put up with this grow.

purple nugs is about the worst thing i can expect.

it costs me as much to heat my grow room as it does to grow in it so go figure


Well-Known Member
my grow room has been getting down to the 50's lately, i don't see it as that much of a negative though seeing as what they have had to put up with this grow.

purple nugs is about the worst thing i can expect.

it costs me as much to heat my grow room as it does to grow in it so go figure
I have noticed the garage grow is slower than the inside one, and 12/12 started same day.
2 factors
1. 400 watt mh as opposed to 600 hps. (but I have now replaced that 400mh with a 600 hps this morning though)
2. 62* min night temps as opposed to 54* night temps.


Well-Known Member
10 degrees will make a difference especially during the main building phase, but i feel once you get past that it doesn't matter so much.

when i had simultaneous tents the temps were constant because the hot air from one kept the other one warm in lights off, that was a great grow.