Club 600


Well-Known Member
Oh now that you say that i just remember reading about EC not being viable as a measure in organic water :O Anyone knows of this?
Think it was the lack of salts and minerals.
Yeah i could really do more efficient. The 1plant 65l dwc took some nutes :) Gotta get on that rcdwc system..
Ive really found my liking in dwc rainwater and biobizz. Ive never had a plant look as healthy as my dog. It has some heat burn on top leaves. But everything is still as dark doggy green as it was when it went in.
SnowLAnd with what looks like a new breed :)


Well-Known Member
Afternoon 6, not much going on here other then threw 4 clones into flower just to fill space and transplanted 9 others to solo cups.

Moms are getting close to take my first 5-10 cuts from, veg tent is overflowing, oh well :D


Don't mind those 2 sad looking clones, they were taken late flower and have had a ruff life, they will bounce back lol.

Have a good night 6!


Well-Known Member
I notice that they follow the rules of Cook County, early and often. and the positive percentage has gone down from where it was earlier today....keep voting to bring it back up. over 50:
[h=3]Do you support the legalization of marijuana?[/h] Yes 50.02%

No 42.15%

Undecided 7.83%


Well-Known Member
Can use these,

Or these, but not re-usable as the roots grow in them, I think. They sound sweet though.

I'm currently using rive rock I got from the feed shop, just rinsed it real good before use. Its seems to be doing just fine and I should be able to re-use for as long as Im growing, it's on the heavy side keep that in mind.
Next I think I'll use pea gravel if its not too small.
Thats what I am thinking about is low cost alternatives, but dont know how the weight difference will affect it.
Jeez man 25 gallons of hydroton. That's a fucking shit ton of hydroton. You sure you need that much? I don't know bass I wouldn't mess with any system that needed that much stuff. I don't even use 25 gallons of water. I guess I'm just small time kinda grower in my little spot. I remember when masonman bought like 20 gals of nutes and tons of hydroton.
yer not small time, just different method
I am using Ebb&Gro system, and will be running 12 pots at 2 gal each


Well-Known Member
That system looks very cool.

I am thinking about doing RDWC in my tent too.

I dream about staying with a 3X3 array of 5 gallon buckets.

It will be even more crammed in my poor little tent. :0)

It has been pointed out that for my tent size that four
plants might be optimal. A four bucket RDWC system would
definitely rock.

Good luck Bass.



Well-Known Member
That system looks very cool.

I am thinking about doing RDWC in my tent too.

I dream about staying with a 3X3 array of 5 gallon buckets.

It will be even more crammed in my poor little tent. :0)

It has been pointed out that for my tent size that four
plants might be optimal. A four bucket RDWC system would
definitely rock.

Good luck Bass.

Thanx, I will be buying some sort of media tomorrow.
I do think more than 4 5 gal in a 3x3 is pushing it, or wasting the extra container size possibly.

On another note my EEG results came back today, and they found abnormalities in my left frontal lobe.
More tests and MRI etc coming.


Well-Known Member
I got a question for you 600 guys out there.

I got my 600 in my closest for flowering, working with a 4x2 space, height is like 8ft so no worries there, and normally just top and super crop for training.

I recently decided to switch from my current setup, which is around 4-5 in 3g smart pots topped once or twice then super cropped to fill the 4x2 space, to fewer larger plants in larger pots to take advantage to my longer veg periods I give them.

My questions is would it be better for the plants if I grew 2 plants in 5g smart pots, both would measure 2x2 to fill the 4x2 space, or could I possibly boost my yield a little bit by training them a little smaller, but adding a third 5g pot.


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

Top - revegged Goji

Front - Critical Sensi Star

Back Right - failed Goji reveg abandoned.

Wednesday taking clones and flipping to 12/12


Well-Known Member
Interesting question. Do you put a screen in the tent Allday? Level out your canopy, provide as much medium as possible for your plants to grow, and you'll be maximising what you got. Ever thought about just putting one large tray in the tent? Everything growing in the same tray/box/pot? If you could do that then there would be no spacec between pots and you would be giving them the max amount of medium to develop in....just a thought.

I got a question for you 600 guys out there.

I got my 600 in my closest for flowering, working with a 4x2 space, height is like 8ft so no worries there, and normally just top and super crop for training.

I recently decided to switch from my current setup, which is around 4-5 in 3g smart pots topped once or twice then super cropped to fill the 4x2 space, to fewer larger plants in larger pots to take advantage to my longer veg periods I give them.

My questions is would it be better for the plants if I grew 2 plants in 5g smart pots, both would measure 2x2 to fill the 4x2 space, or could I possibly boost my yield a little bit by training them a little smaller, but adding a third 5g pot.
