Club 600


Well-Known Member
Is that all Head Band Jig ? Looks good man!
This is me now got round to getting thing's rolling, at a point i wasn't sure if i was going to but.......

Left to Right we have: Casey Jones > SLH > Exodus Cheese or Psycosis ( cant remember when i gave the snip's out which one it was ) And coming through are some DOG's.

The tent is a pop-up cupboard i got for 8 sheets, it will do grand atm ;-)
I like the line up. I just popped 6 psycosis of the sativa and the 3 lonely beans I found in my dog(fingers crossed).

Update on my door. The panda film and zipper, even with a second layer, can't over come my lights in the veg area. Once again being cheap cost me extra in the long run. Tomorrow I'm off to find a collapsible/piano door or a pocket door. I zipped my self inside the flower area and it still looked like a night light in the whole door way. I know if I blocked of the veg area a little it would help but I want full access to floor space. I am seeing bud, but it goes without saying.


Well-Known Member
Ughhhh, gettin so tired of trimming!

Damn, i went to Walmart today. They were setting up the garden center for spring. And to my surprise, what do i find for $9.00?! FISKARS!!! So, i bought 4 pairs for that price!!!

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And a lil more trim pr0n for your viewing enjoyment! Lol

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nice buds next year look at the fall sale i payed $4 a pair. COF that is great news. jimmer now that is a Vday present


Well-Known Member
My Gf gave me devil makes three tickets. I thought I had her this year, but I was wrong. I didn't even know they where coming. She found them on 4/23 in a small club.


Well-Known Member
i so want to find some raskel gear it looks fire every time. i have the fireballs f2 going into flower soon and it has his gear in it


Well-Known Member
Numbers are in. Right about 6 oz. A little over a gram short. So 167 grams from 450 w of LED's.

If you use g/w, that's about 0.37 g/w. I would say my average in the closet using HID's was around 0.40-0.42, something like that. So using those numbers it's about 10% lower yield using g/w with the LED's vs HID's.

If one considers the electricity difference between the 6" 435 cfm I was running 24/7 with HIDs vs the 50 cfm bathroom fan I ran 24/7 I think the yield per electricity would be right on with the HID grows I've done.

As for quality, these are the best flavored buds I've grown. The smoke is too strong for me, I gave some to a friend today, we'll await his report. He smokes a LOT so he should be a good judge.


Well-Known Member

that what you got giggs is FAK X (PLAT.BUBBA X OG)


i took her at 65 days.

the fak i let go 65-70 days.

i think it was a good match,and f2's are in order for BB..

sounds good to me jig,id like to get 1 or 2 of them to add to the grow room...the white ones tho.


Well-Known Member
Well hell yea that's what I like to hear.

I'll just let her go, I'm not 100% on the date, I know she started flowering in dec but I'm not sure if it's the 20th or before, everyone was flipped on the 2nd but she was the last to show, either way I love the way she looks!


Well-Known Member
Me n the wife came up to San Francisco for the valentine weekend. Still here ATM. We went to Alcatraz today, pretty cool tour. I hit up a shop called the bloom room. Nicest dispensary I'd say I've been in, although not the biggest. I complimented the guy on a nice place and told him I was from so cal and he was like yeah we have some nice ones here but you fuckers got 100's down there! I said yeah I guess u got me there.

We're leaving tomorrow so I just picked up a brownie and a joint. I fully intended on partaking on that brownie with my wife and I made the mistake of letting her go first cuz I wants to go eat first. She ate half and 40 min later said she was really high. We came back to the hotel and I was still gonna join her and she actually talked me out of it! She smokes less than I yet still has a stronger tolerance than I do and I trusted her judgement when she said it would get me way too high! So I just got to live vicariously through her. Even she was too high and popped an Ativan, once it kicked in she fuckin passed out so that's where I'm at now :)

it it will be 3 days since I saw my plants by the time we get home, I'm sure they miss me a lot! I'll look to upload some trip pics when I get time tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jimmer, btw, those lone DOG pip's will/should grow the same plant bro, My Maiden DOG gave me a few and just a few odd one's here and there over the years, but ant time ive grew them theyr like clone's only better growth structure coming from seed :-)

Some fine specimens here tonight! @ Giggles, Dr.D81, jimmer and Gen you got a load coming, that platinum x looked right on the money!


Well-Known Member
Morning folks, my wife got a Valentines card from our son so I didn't want to step on his toes so didn't bother getting her anything:). I did make her a nice dinner though (same dinner I made when I propossed to her), so did get some brownie points....allthough no booty as I fell asleep on the couch, whoops.