Club 600


Well-Known Member
This is part of an article is in the Daily Mail. It seems they flew over an area looking for "illegal" apartments with a heat seeking camera.

Thermal imaging camera reveals shocking extent of illegal 'beds in sheds' housing for immigrants built by rogue landlords
•Harrow Council found 319 suspicious sheds and garages emitting heat
•At least 1,000 could be living in converted outbuildings without permission
•Plane criss-crossed streets, picking up heat signals from outbuildings
•Analysis of images from night flight revealed suspicious dwellings
•They can be spotted because sheds aren't insulated so heat escapes

By Martin Robinson

PUBLISHED: 05:48 EST, 4 March 2014 | UPDATED: 06:37 EST, 4 March 2014

Hundreds of rogue landlords in one London borough are illegally renting out 'beds in sheds' to immigrants on an industrial scale.

Harrow Council chartered a plane with thermal imaging to fly over streets picking up heat and found four times more 'suspicious' outbuildings than expected.

Aerial photos revealed that instead of 75 suspected illegal developments at the bottom of gardens or in garages, there were actually at least 319

Do you really think that all of those images are apartments?
If you're in that area you need to cover your ass.

Allot of those may be grows :shock: more like "garden beds in sheds".
Seriously what do they expect people to do? Live and let live FFS.

Love it, keep sharing the love and info!

Prof. Terpen

View attachment 3013414
Welcome welcome :-)

I guess I will go ahead and sub up and start catching up on this thread. :)

DST sent me. ;)
Welcome welcome welcome!

Hey sixers just started a new thread, tag along if you likes bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.. I considered myself an outdoor grower but I have seen the light and realized that I can do it all year long. :) I know that I am REALLY late to the party but it's still a party just the same. :)


Well-Known Member
Well party on Wayne![video=youtube;VzUU7SRRsGo][/video]


Well-Known Member
The sun ain't nothin but a big 600 in the sky.

What you smoking on tonight ABM?

I'm about to rip into some lambsbread. Hope everyones enjoying their night (or morning)


Well-Known Member
With the cost of renting in London, it wouldn't surprise me if these are actual immigrants living in the sheds.....
Probably get a better return on your shed with a bed and duvet, than a bed of weed:)
This is part of an article is in the Daily Mail. It seems they flew over an area looking for "illegal" apartments with a heat seeking camera.

Thermal imaging camera reveals shocking extent of illegal 'beds in sheds' housing for immigrants built by rogue landlords
•Harrow Council found 319 suspicious sheds and garages emitting heat
•At least 1,000 could be living in converted outbuildings without permission
•Plane criss-crossed streets, picking up heat signals from outbuildings
•Analysis of images from night flight revealed suspicious dwellings
•They can be spotted because sheds aren't insulated so heat escapes

By Martin Robinson

PUBLISHED: 05:48 EST, 4 March 2014 | UPDATED: 06:37 EST, 4 March 2014

Hundreds of rogue landlords in one London borough are illegally renting out 'beds in sheds' to immigrants on an industrial scale.

Harrow Council chartered a plane with thermal imaging to fly over streets picking up heat and found four times more 'suspicious' outbuildings than expected.

Aerial photos revealed that instead of 75 suspected illegal developments at the bottom of gardens or in garages, there were actually at least 319

Do you really think that all of those images are apartments?
If you're in that area you need to cover your ass.

I guess I will go ahead and sub up and start catching up on this thread. :)

DST sent me. ;)
Welcom AGM, good to have you over here. Feel free to post your outdoor stuff as well, as Jig said, the Big 600 in the sky covers it all!

Didn't I do well yesterday, I managed to recover 10% of our outstanding debt with our corporate bum fuk! Please can I have some more (said in an Oliver Twist voice).


Well-Known Member
oH, JUST WANTED TO SHARE SOMETHING ELSE, oops, caps lock. So this Secret Cup in Tenerife that we are going to end of the Month. We can enter a strain into it, which means you have to send 10grams of product. Bearing in mind that it's an Island, you would need to take some with you, or post some. Taking some to enter is a no no unless you want to be there 2 weeks before the competition starts which is the deadline for entries. So they have a form that details where to post, etc. But on the form the mandatory info includes passport number, telephone number, name, address, and signature....I was like, wtf is this all about. Told the lads and they are like, wtf as well. So looks like we are not going to enter as there is no way that I would ever do such a thing without it being legal...duh, send weed in the post with all your details thanks, soooo bloody jailbait. Still a bit flabergasted by it all.

And, Mo you mention Tomasa clones, well check this neat cloing glass out....even held sideways the water doesn't run out of it:):):)


Well-Known Member
But Smokey McSmokester is my real name, ffs Jig, don't give the game away, lol.....I did ask about that.


Well-Known Member
well could be making sum bho this weekend, my tube has just under an oz of bits shite bud, the dry leaf pulled of the lovely bud i buy and juts what left on table after the stuff is sorted!!!!!

1st pic is my tube nearly full....

2nd pics is bottom my grinder... would i get a better lump of bho using that aswell as the stuff in there???????? answers to this would be great

3rd pic is my clones rooting, top left 10 sage n sour, 9 top right snowbud
bottom left 6 dippy ellsy, bottom left 6 caramel ice

4th pic is the no 1 cuts for a m8

5th is my topped dog cut and topped dippy ellsy cut due to space problems in the veg room haha

last pic is the veg room



Well-Known Member
I haven't talked in a video for awhile so I really made up for lost time with this one!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
welcome ABM! thought you were here already and lurking!?

DST, how does the glass work? is it in gel or something? can't quite see from the pic. as for the debtors.... get your lawyer to send em a letter and threaten legal action unless they stump as per your contracts!? that's what we do at my place. big small just over a ton we send the letter and chase them. they owe they pay like every fucker else.

Bud, lad that tube looks the same size as mine ish. i got the oz one too!?!