Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah loving all the pr0n.

Serious herms suck allot, tis in the nature of growing though, ish happens.

Thanks for the heads up cof, hope its good.



Well-Known Member
Dez your room looks bomb. Im thinking of going back to hydroton. Im just tired of buying and disposing of coco spil and perlite. Just rinse and reuse.
Im biting my nails. 32 of 36 plants look kinda hermy ish and i found some nanners. If i lose this run im gonna cry. Literally.
how about a mass, accidental breeding that spoils the bulk of your crop?...just happened. looks like there will be hash...after I take out the seeds.
Lots of work with small rewards.

I feel both of your pains. I'm still not sure what plants are going to make it through my light mess up. I will say they are finally growing the way I want but I'm sure there will be a few hermies. The only reason I haven't thrown them out is they are all about 2-3 feet tall and have 3 months into them and 19 plants.


Well-Known Member
leds for veg, iwe bags, new bulb, ecw, second 600,and the house i just found the wheels are rolling we will see where they go

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah christ i haven't been to a foam party in time. last one was on a boat with a revolving dance floor you couldn't see til you stepped on it spun 360 and went down like a sack of shite. good times hahahaha


Well-Known Member
that's just cruel, foam disco with revolving floor, hahahaha.....maybe they'll have one in Playa de las Americas, Don:)


Well-Known Member
Who, looking sweet.

Here's what I woke up to this morning. 204.jpg

Did any one watch weeds 2 last night and what was your opinion. I think the whole show was a big advertisement or documentary for the pharm. companies. I wonder how much the pharm. companies lobbyist paid cnn to do it. I don't live in a med state, but I always thought 1 of the most appealing thing to medical marijuana is keeping the money local and in the community not with big business. I hate to say it but after watching that show I have a feeling the next fight is going to keep it out of the pharm hands. They said point blank in the doc. last night that they are pushing for full government control and prescriptions to be filled by pharmacist. I could go on for ever but will save you guy's and girls.


Well-Known Member

I cracked beans on Christmas day, 3 exo cheese, 1 Pure Kush freebie. Topped after three weeks and put shortly into flower at 4 weeks. Cloned the tops, threw one away because it was shit. Took 8 cheese clones from the rooted tops, rooted in 7 days in the above rig using rapid rooters and a heat mat (easiest cloning ever and I've used every stupid device out there) and they're coming along nicely. I'll flower them as soon as the original seed plants are done in about 3 weeks. Love the savings I'm getting from using a T5 8 bulb fixture, but damn the fan leaves grow huge with that and overshadow the little 'uns. I'm going to take another round of clones, this time from only one of the cheese plants (it's obviously flowering more heavily than the other), then flower them in about three weeks. Not sure what's going to happen to the Pure Kush. It's hungrier than cheese and not as eager to clone, so I'm not sure how to use it efficiently. Of course, if the original seed plant turns out to be fire, I'll have to come up with a plan. And, Christ, people, can I really only upload one pic at a time? BLAH!!! Happy Spring to you all.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I thought that the show's approach was to drum up support for medical use by highlighting the benefits to children...and the trials that their parents go thru to obtain them. It did state that all parts of the plant were needed for best results-which big pharm is unable to reproduce, no matter how hard they try.
