Club 600

I got to take my son to shoot bows today again only this time I had my own ;) It was cool to stand next to my son shooting at hay bales and piles of carpet with targets on them. I think it may be something we can get into together. I see either upgrading our bows or getting better bows in our future but for now I think our gear is fine.
There's always a positive side to everything, just like the negative, it's inevitable... You just got to know what to look for.

"For even in defeat, there's a valuable lesson learned so it evens it up for me."

Exactly , there is a positive in the negative. Just most people get so caught up in the negative they fail to see the positive. Everything's going to happen whether we want it to or not. It's all part of life you just can't let it get you down.
Well I'm pretty sure I got 6 for 6 females. Wahoo good days! 5 honeybees and 1 afgooie! Oh positive vibes and still 6 honeybees left to pop.

There probably all males lol.

I've got 3 diff looking phenos g
right on giggs,with them being f2's,it should open up the phenos,and give you more to select from...
if you do not find what you like,i got a cut for ya....

the f1's gave me 4 phenos 2 of them was very close,but one had less purp & nanners.
honeybee & pk x gsog 068.JPG