Nice plants everyone. Don't beat anyone with them.
I got to hang out with a bunch of baby ducks this morning. Was at the store and there was a mama and her ducklings, 8 I think, and they were a major street and a big parking lot away from the lake they lived in. It was pretty fun stopping traffic and helping the babies up the curb.
The wife & I had just gotten back from dropping the foster kittens off and were sitting in the car in the driveway looking up at the undeveloped field across the road chatting about the kittens when from the left side out from of the trees walked a mama red deer and her jumping little calf trying to keep up behind her in the tall grass.
The mama was walking so slow that I grabbed my (much-hated) cellphone and tried to get the camera part running, and my calloused bass-players finger tips were not working well on the touch screen at the moment, so I was fumbling like a fool, glancing up to track their position then back to the phone to to navigate to the camera.
Okay. Camera on,deers still in view for now, umm where's the trigger? Oh yeah (I rarely use this thing), press screen button, aaaaaaan wait.....
.... click on nothing because I thought no pic was going to be taken.
Try again after finding mama & calf almost to the edge of the right side of the field, press touchscreen to trigger it aaaaand wait... click.
But they was out of view by the time the camera snapped the pic.
So no cool pic.
AND I didn't even have the pleasure of watching mama and her calf do what ever it is that mama deers & their calves do on their day-to-day...

Technology sucks...
... in the hands of the incompetent.