Club 600


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda, you know, totally bummed that I missed a glorious opportunity a little while ago when the cute chick behind the counter of the UPS Store commented on my t-shirt (The Dude as Vitruvian Man).
She glances up and looks at it, smiles and says. "Nice shirt!"
I smile and say thanks, get my mail and walk out to the car.
As soon as I sat down in the car I realized what a major faux pas I had committed!
I should have answered her with: "Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."

I must be slipping in my old age...


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, that's better but I'm in Australia so I'd still be looking at another $100 to ship 5 pounds from the states, so like $250 all up.

I always have to pay the fucking island continent tax here, some way or another :( Even for property, in one of the lowest population density countries in the world!

So by 3.5 does that mean the max length is 3.5'?
Yeah, you'll be paying a dear cost over there for grow equipment.
Too bad, too, since you are so close to the source of manufacturing.

The "3.5" means like "mk. 3.5"


Well-Known Member
i am back guys hope everyone is good. had to have a tech come out and fix the cable at the pole to get the net working. shit is slower with the new company and is like $17 higher a month. well the move went good girls had a long spell in the moving boxes, but made it fine. had a smaller yield on the cherry puffs then i would have liked, but that is how it goes. i did get some fire smoke and next time i run it it will do much better. thaey were in a 55 gal drum for like a week before i got the wiring done. i have a lot more room to work with, so i am going to build an octagon when i get back from vacation. i will get some pics up before i leave saturday. happy birthday Who your was the next post after it shut my crap down and packed it.


Well-Known Member
G cherry puffs are right man. smell and taste like cherry bottle caps kind of a sweet cherry, and is fire man. the #2 is my keeper and i cant wait to see what the clone yields when i dont fubar the grow;)


Well-Known Member
sounds like you got it going on doobie. i have some clones i am going to put out when i get back. still have the ten in miss. going. hope they are doing good i am going to miss the trip out there this month. will be aug before i see them.


Well-Known Member
Hey doobie wouldn't 6 ft be too long for my tent as its only 4ft at its longest ?
The rail comes in two sections, each (*corrected for accuracy) *3.5 ft long.
So when a hood or cool tube or wing is dangling beneath it, it will easily cover a 4-ft long path fully.
It has adjustable stops that are used on each end to control the length of travel for any user's needs.
It can even support multiple lights (up to four) if a person needs the sun indoors.
But that requires buying the light hanger kits & arms (low cost, thankfully).
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Well-Known Member
sounds like you got it going on doobie. i have some clones i am going to put out when i get back. still have the ten in miss. going. hope they are doing good i am going to miss the trip out there this month. will be aug before i see them.
Sounds extra good :-)
Always hate the hassle & slowdown on the grows when it comes to relocating.
Glad your barrel ladies survived :-)

(I know it's actually a drum, but "barrel lady" sounds cooler)


Well-Known Member
Shit is popping off great to see you again Doc! Just getting back to the boards and finally made the move and am in N. Cali, the promis land.
Sorry for the spam y'all.

If memory serves correct the 3.5 with 2 rails comes out to 7ft total so only 3.5ft a rail,,, one and a motor would be perfect for a 4ft tent (and more), just use a simple wood 2x4 frame to hold it.