Club 600


Well-Known Member
perfect name, whenever i smoked a joint of that it was pure blackcurrant, a fried took a toke of my pure joint (he normally smokes with tobacco) he coughed up half a lung and then said it tasted like he had drank ribena neat!. the hash tastes exactly like halls soothers blackcurrant, almost menthol-ish
Thats an almost spot on description of the BP ive decided to keep, the tiny little pheno
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I am breaking our newfound code of silence with baby pics:
I'm keeping them in the garage with no lights on during the night, and it's pitch black in there, so very little night time stretch.
And was glad to see almost no daytime stretch thanks to the diffuse light inside the greenhut (not quite a house, so...).
Growing weed with sunlight instead of HPS...
... it's, it's weird, it's just not natural!!!
Pics taken right before sunset (9:30pm).
Tray #1...
The two runts are ones who weren't planted properly and expended most of their original energy reserve trying to get the root oriented and dug in enough to raise the seed part up out of the soil. They didn't have enough mojo on their own, so I performed 2 shell-ectomies after they were dug out and replanted. So they're almost a day behind or more in development.
The runt on the left is a Dog S1, and the runt in the rear is an MTF.
The rest in the tray are Berry Bubble, from our man whodatnation...


And this one is LST'ing itself (due to the mega stretch from the 1st day, inside, behind glass, and out of direct sunlight... lesson learned)...


Tray #2
More of a mix of the three strains....


And a close-up view of a Berry Bubble...



Well-Known Member
Looks like we'll have warm weather for th enext week or so (with plenty thunderstorms thrown in the mix). It's over 31 here today so I'll probalby wait to put the Dogs into the kennel until later on. The 5 on the right are going indoors to flower. Possibly the Dog Mum, not sure yet.....oh, and I just potted them into the same pots as I used the last time, just dug out the central root ball and hey presto, jobs a good un. Topped them up with some soil, gave them a watering and a foliar feed last night...they are looking like lankey supermodels for sure (perfect for my vertical cab!)



Well-Known Member
Dog? I put on the tag haha but they are from pips al get a snap of the other in couple hours see if u think that's more doggish


Well-Known Member

some crazy serrations on the leaves, they are almost separate fingers as opposed to one whole leaf.

larry og would be my guess but then i have seen the selfed pips from the scotty dog show more sativa-ish leaves


Well-Known Member
looks more dog to me, maybe the cuttings just went a bit funny in the propagator, i have seen it before, looks different to the other plant though doesnt it


Well-Known Member
Ii the 3 are from an og larry a scottie dog and the Extrema which I know what one that is haha, il take that other along next couple days and pot her up hopefully I can flip a week today


Well-Known Member
well if your dog is like mine, flipped at 12" it will end up 36" so flip any time you like, support them properly and you can get some incredible weight from such skinny looking plants.

if you let them finish properly i think you would have better results than vegging longer if you catch my drift, a lot of the weight goes on at the end.


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine from H.S. does those shows. I think it's bad ass for ladies to be that confident in themselves. So often it's the other way, and I find self loathing so unattractive.
I used to do male thong shows.
But the mall cops kept arresting me.
I mean, WTF!?!?
It was in a strip mall, for Pete's sake!
Something about "indecent exposure" or some shit.
Trumped up fucking charges...
I was decently exposed!
I was WAY decently exposed!
( All right, ladies! Drop your dongs and grab your bongs! It's wakey-bakey time!!! Move IT! Move IT! Move IT! bongsmilie )
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