Club 600


Well-Known Member
Not even gonna lie I was sober but I was sitting in the sun waiting for swim lessons was supposed to be to giggles tho and what's the best way to mix the spectrum I have a 400w ballast with a hps bulb and a 250 same thing should I just put one more light in the tent ? Or keep switching the bulbs like I'm.currently doing
In my flower room I've got hps/mh/hps and I still
Get weight and frost beyond belief :)

If you can I'd put a mh bulb in one and an hps bulb in the other


Well-Known Member
Yeah with conditions like that I'd imagine you are watering at least once a day in those party cups.

I found in similar situations it's also good to flood the trays just to keep up, they'll soak it up fine in no time.

Either way, they are getting transplanted soon,,, so my post is kinda useless :-)


Well-Known Member
I can't help but feel like your ignoring me who. Maybe it's the banana wonder or maybe it's my fucked up brain but either way I hope all is well bro.


Well-Known Member
Haha not at all gigs :cool: I just don't agree digilux is the best bulb out there,,, EVEN THOUGH that's what I used for the past 5 years :-)

I seen some shit at the grow shop the other week that didn't even make sense,,, some kind of double ended hps that looked like an oversized halogen bulb. Didn't help that everyone there was stoned off their ass and couldn't even help me with some info.
Its a problem, everyone out here grows weed for a living and the towns can't find any decently half brained nitwits to run normal businesses lol

Other than that, I don't like the situation you're in or recent events so sorry, no likes given.


Well-Known Member
Haha ok that's cool. I can respect that. Hey I don't disagree there isn't better out there but it sure beats a ipower bulb lol. Although on the later of that I did have one ipower bulb that was actually really good. I guess luck of the draw.

Double ended hps? Hmm now you really got my stoned ass thinking. Google here I come haha. I better make sure I type it right cuz with double ended in there that could get some bad results I have a feeling.

Yea man the situation I am in sucks, but at least it's going away. Actually I've got court in a couple weeks. Blah blah even though all charges are being dropped still have to make an appearance and all that shit, our legal system is fucked. I'll be happy once it's all gone and such but hey I"m happy to be free and I'm glad to be part of club 6 and I miss your porn! I think your going to like my new room :D

Yea well the idiots out here at our grow shops are probably even dumber. But at least out there you don't gotta hide what your really there for haha.

Well yep I'm stoned and this short response has now turned into a novel, glad to hear all is well bro.

Peace love and happiness brotha, and maybe someday we will meet, until then taker easy ;)