Club 600


Well-Known Member
Theres nothing to fear over here bro. I believe we have a solid bunch of lads in here. I know the big brother factor has a bearing on my mind aswell as im sure most of us. I have adopted the attitude that i dont feel what im doing is a crime. I tink the 5-0 has better things to do than pursue us petty tokers. Theres way bigger fish to fry. Just my opinion.


Active Member
Theres nothing to fear over here bro. I believe we have a solid bunch of lads in here. I know the big brother factor has a bearing on my mind aswell as im sure most of us. I have adopted the attitude that i dont feel what im doing is a crime. I tink the 5-0 has better things to do than pursue us petty tokers. Theres way bigger fish to fry. Just my opinion.

Same here. I know the .gov could easily trace this message back to me if they decided to do so. But I also know they have limited resources. And I am such a small fish in the big scheme of things, considering that I am growing herb for myself and for a select group of friends and family, that to go after me would be a laughable waste of those resources.


Well-Known Member
One of the tent.....BLZ BUD one week from chop!!!

A badass piece a buddy blew for me for last harvest!!!!

More BLZ......"Feel the Burn"...LOL

And lastly....the pooch....he's a beagle mixed with pug...."Puggle"....awww...isn't he cute!!!!!!!

Peace to a wedding reception!!!!UGHHHH


Well-Known Member
BTW.....check my last pic above.....the blue jar looking thing on the screen frame.....awesome magnifying can unscrew the lid and put a nug in it to look at or just hold it and look through it at the buds for even bigger magnification.....was about $25 at the grow shop...couldn't resist!!!


Well-Known Member
hahaha sorry mr. west I had to water the plants and replace a bulb, thought while I had the cooltube open and the bulb out I might as well clean it out with glass cleaner then one thing led to another and I ended up doing it to all my lights... I got loads of pics for ya :-)

Yeh my Sour D's were 6"-8" tall when I flipped the lights, now they are at 31" at day 32 of 12/12.

dr green dre your plants look great :-)
What seed company, if any did those sour d's come from? Or are you using clones? They look very nice.


Active Member
Made an alcohol tincture last night out of a premature section of bud that had been knocked down by storm winds. Didn't have an opportunity to experience it last night, but added some to my coffee this morning and it isn't too shabby. Actually added a chicory taste to the coffee. Pretty quick onset as well. Matter of fact, I may have over-titrated as now all I feel like doing is going back to sleep. Oh well, I'll get it dialed in eventually, lol.


Well-Known Member
ENDLSCYCLE those are some fat buts dude :-) I also like the BIG 10X you got... very cool.

Outdoorindica I got it as a clone and grew her into a mom, shes a keeper for sure.

tip top toker that bud looks tip top of the line bro lolo, but seriously it looks dank fest 2010 :-)

mr west

Well-Known Member
Is that for thanks giving then?

check this out its cool
[youtube]/v/Fk9EBOOAYiU?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></[/youtube]

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Man, that tripped me out a bit, first few inutes i was convinced it was an insanely intricate model, everything did ust look like toys, especially the boats and helicopter. Coooooool! :)