Club 600


Well-Known Member
COF how are those kush coming? I have not counted weeks, but they should be done or almost done right? I have a hso cemdawg x bluedream from the same dad going now, and it is looking to be a frosty sob too:-) i will be half way your way next weekend, but it will be a quick trip. We are going to come out sat night chop and head back at daylight sun. I hope we pull something good but i have not been out in months to care for them :( may just end up with a bunch of hash if i have to. next spring i am doing the outdoor closer to home. Five hour drive to get there has not worked out real well.
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Well-Known Member
Man it looks like i am going back to remodeling. I got some job offers at a couple shops but i came across a few jobs i could do for myself. I am going to put the word out to some reality offices and some property management companies and get back to work making a real living again.


Well-Known Member
Here's my Skunk with about 3 weeks left to go and another great 7-10 day forecast Go figure, I tried auto's outside to avoid the rainy cold weather in Sept-Oct here, and it rained and was cold all summer, and the best end of outdoor season here in years. Murphy's at it's finest.025.JPG


Well-Known Member
Well we are in So California now, but we are moving near Philadelphia next year. NZ is more of a 5-10 year plan. Really depends on what me and my wife end up doing for money. If we can free ourselves up of being hooked to a location, no static jobs... then maybe sooner. Also depends on how long our parents live. Both me and my wife are only children, and our child is the only grand child. So moving to the other side of the world wouldn't be very nice to the grandparents. The youngest of them is 68.

It's pretty. It's far away. They play cricket. Nice weather. It's not too big. Doesn't have too many people. English main language. About the same sunlight as So Cal where I'm used to. I don't like it being light till 11pm like in England. It's many islands so there is lots of water all around. I grew up at the beach.

My wife visited NZ with the yin a couple months back and fell in love. I've been to Aus, but never NZ. We are planning a trip in the next couple years so I can see. Maybe spend a couple months down there to see how we like it.

The big thing I guess is I don't want to live in the USA anymore. I don't like supporting the war on the rest of the world with my tax dollars. I don't like sending a large portion of my brothers and sisters to prison, and then paying for it. I don't like the police state this country is becoming. The thought police are also starting to get a hold of power.... and to me that is very scary. I want to get off this sinking ship. Would enjoy my daughter growing up around prosperity.

No where is perfect.... but I'm about done with this brand of imperfect.

errr a delayed reply. let's just say i was on involuntary hiatus.

i had to say i feel the same way about my own country, i regularly say ( with relative conviction) that i am out of here BEFORE i set up a family for the very same reasons (and 100 more :P ). then there is always a side of me which retains pride in being british, not wanting to give up on something that for all the terrible and inexcusable things, has actually done a lot of good in terms of guaranteeing a good life for it's people.

it is this side of people that keep governments in power, too scared to see what life could be like if you just live out on your own. no history to govern our thoughts or influence our future, no premeditated preference ingrained by centuries of oppression or inequality. the amount of scots who voted yes to independence kind of paints a picture of how happy people are with the government at the minute, who knows how things would have went if we had went to war with is 6 weeks ago.

get your aluminium foil at the ready folks, it's conspiracy sunday.

and happy belated birthday doob, hope you had a good one, those trees look insane


Well-Known Member
Here's my Skunk with about 3 weeks left to go and another great 7-10 day forecast Go figure, I tried auto's outside to avoid the rainy cold weather in Sept-Oct here, and it rained and was cold all summer, and the best end of outdoor season here in years. Murphy's at it's finest.View attachment 3263255
Lookin' good jimmer lets hope this weather holds out for a little bit longer.


Well-Known Member
:) Glad to have the reply whenever it arrives.

I think of you everytime little H grabs the broom to sweep. Start em young lol.

And I have to say, looking back on the post you replied to, it's amazing how when you put something out in the universe, the universe has an answer.

errr a delayed reply. let's just say i was on involuntary hiatus.

i had to say i feel the same way about my own country, i regularly say ( with relative conviction) that i am out of here BEFORE i set up a family for the very same reasons (and 100 more :P ). then there is always a side of me which retains pride in being british, not wanting to give up on something that for all the terrible and inexcusable things, has actually done a lot of good in terms of guaranteeing a good life for it's people.

it is this side of people that keep governments in power, too scared to see what life could be like if you just live out on your own. no history to govern our thoughts or influence our future, no premeditated preference ingrained by centuries of oppression or inequality. the amount of scots who voted yes to independence kind of paints a picture of how happy people are with the government at the minute, who knows how things would have went if we had went to war with is 6 weeks ago.

get your aluminium foil at the ready folks, it's conspiracy sunday.

and happy belated birthday doob, hope you had a good one, those trees look insane


Well-Known Member
Suppose I better post my breeders boutique I'm about 3 days into week 3 of flowering..2xcheese suprise as you can see one is far more fruitful than the othertmp_1922-20140928203956_noexif392188425.jpg tmp_1922-20140928203514_noexif73416748.jpg
Next is an unknown (might be a deep bluexliver)
followed by the short pheno of the barney's farm LSDtmp_1922-20140928203543_noexif-1404895180.jpgsshort pheno of the fireball which would be sweet for sog tmp_1922-20140928203555_noexif64250935.jpg n lastly a random that I dunno or forgot lol tmp_1922-20140928203606_noexif100340288.jpg n group shot during lights on so I had to put the specs over but it's to show how jammer my dr90 is..tmp_1922-20140928203609_noexif14323393.jpg


Well-Known Member
What you want to do in nz?
Not sure how to answer you doc. Live a good life. See some nice sights. Raise my daughter. If you mean for work, I don't like work and don't plan on doing much. If you mean earn money, there's lots of options that can be played by ear when we are there. I'd love to open a recording studio wherever I end up landing in life. And I plan on growing pot as long as I can.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how to answer you doc. Live a good life. See some nice sights. Raise my daughter. If you mean for work, I don't like work and don't plan on doing much. If you mean earn money, there's lots of options that can be played by ear when we are there. I'd love to open a recording studio wherever I end up landing in life. And I plan on growing pot as long as I can.
As long as your doing what you love, it isn't work.
Let's hope the only clouds in your future are in your trich's.


Well-Known Member
Not sure how to answer you doc. Live a good life. See some nice sights. Raise my daughter. If you mean for work, I don't like work and don't plan on doing much. If you mean earn money, there's lots of options that can be played by ear when we are there. I'd love to open a recording studio wherever I end up landing in life. And I plan on growing pot as long as I can.
I think tbat is great. I would love to go and just live of the land some where and raise my kids. We have talked about a home stead in Alaska, but it is to damn cold for me:-)


Well-Known Member
What up 6? Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Know I did, last night had a bonfire with the family for my boys bday and today we celebrated his actual bday and he had a minecraft party. Holy shit there was 16 kids here today and wow today has been a long day! Took a dab right before the party started, thank god lol. Snuck away about 3 hrs in to take another lil dab.

He made out like a pimp, got a red ryder bb gun, now he can play with dad :D and lots of other cool shit, plus $105! Luck lil shit lol, I don't even make that much on my bday!

Well some nice porn going on here hoping here soon I can contribute some more :D

Well time to relax and dab out, peace love and happiness 6!