Club 600


Well-Known Member
I remember Gold Seal hashes in the 80's. Flowers were always Sativa's (Colombian Gold, Panama Red, Jamaican Gold, etc) and you'd get your Indica fixes from Hashes. Then came the MH bulb and changed all that.
I totally agree but it was demand based, there just was't enough supply so we
created the supply.
I can still taste the first gold in '71 in my memory, so sweet and resiny.
World of Seeds carries a redux of gold but you can't reproduce the UV - A,B,C
bands or the elevation to get that quality again unfortunately that land is used
for growing coca now.


Well-Known Member
If the popularity - demand was there it would be here just look at the smack epidemic
we have, same point of production it all comes from the middle east. I just wish our
greedy ass government would grow a brain instead of a fat wallet.
We should be kept Happy, Hungry, High not fucked up.
Case in point, I can take 240mg's of oxy a day by script but I can't smoke a joint or
even eat hemp seed bread
, by the way the bread is great for arthritis as well as triglycerides
and cholesterol.
I feel ya Oldman60
I drove a truck for 30 yrs, with a bad back, & when I quit driving I was taking 520mg morphine a day
( 130mg- 4 times a day) + Norco & Soma for break through pain, Dr. knew I was a driver and had no prob, yet smoke a joint & I'd be suspended for 60 days. Just doesn't seem right...
My body stopped letting me take Opiates, I retired from driving and started smoking cannabis for pain & feel better than I did the last 15 yrs of opioid use.


Well-Known Member
I feel ya Oldman60
I drove a truck for 30 yrs, with a bad back, & when I quit driving I was taking 520mg morphine a day
( 130mg- 4 times a day) + Norco & Soma for break through pain, Dr. knew I was a driver and had no prob, yet smoke a joint & I'd be suspended for 60 days. Just doesn't seem right...
My body stopped letting me take Opiates, I retired from driving and started smoking cannabis for pain & feel better than I did the last 15 yrs of opioid use.
I'm in the same boat now, I'm taking myself off oxy against dr.'s wishes
so I can get to smoke. I'm down to 22.5mgs a day and by the end of the month
I'll drop them completely then you'll see a new attitude in this Oldman!!!
Smoke on and smoke plenty!!!:hump::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
I totally agree but it was demand based, there just was't enough supply so we
created the supply.
I can still taste the first gold in '71 in my memory, so sweet and resiny.
World of Seeds carries a redux of gold but you can't reproduce the UV - A,B,C
bands or the elevation to get that quality again unfortunately that land is used
for growing coca now.
Yes. I remember a time where we were getting sick of hash and when we found weed it was pricey. I have some landrace CG's in my box. Tried growing a couple of them and they were just too out of control so I ditched her.


Well-Known Member
Yes. I remember a time where we were getting sick of hash and when we found weed it was pricey. I have some landrace CG's in my box. Tried growing a couple of them and they were just too out of control so I ditched her.
It's damn hard to grow a landrace sativa indoors the plant in the wild can reach 4.5 meters
so you would have to start training at the third leaf set (I think) any way that's why I'm
going to try Co Chang Island Thai this winter. Seeds are ordered and the room will be clear
in mid Nov. (NL5 right now). They are smaller than the CG or mainland Thai.
Absolutely my 2 favorite weeds of all time.


Well-Known Member
@jigfresh I am currently being reminded of a tid bit I've been wanting to give you, since every time it happens I think of you. When little girls grow up, they tend to butt heads with their mothers and it can turn a warm cozy home into a cold one real fast. If your wise, you will have an escape planned out. I think I'm gonna go work on the car or something.


Well-Known Member
Proud of you oldman, that is a HUGE accomplishment going from 240mg to 22mg a day. Especially for the oxy. I never got on the oxy thank God. I'm still having a hard time kicking the x3 7.5mg Norco a day. I did cut my x4 10mg down as soon as I moved to cali though, but still taking the 22mg. The pills aren't even helping with the pain, only the weed is, so I guess it's more of a mental thing for me now since I've taken them for so long. II'm thinking of a plan of attack to completely stop the meds. I stopped my flexeril and ambien for months now, so only the Norco left and hopefully I can stop those soon. I would have never even have been taking them if it wasn't for drug tests, I was only smoking for pain for years until I had drug tests, then I had to go with the legal route of opiate pain killers, GO FIGURE!


Well-Known Member
All this talk about beaster buds, oh man, the early 2000s. Memories. I called beasters pretty schwag because of all the red hairs, but the shitty high that usually came with a headache. That's when I started growing my own and found a whole new world of what good clean mj is. I just watched a documentary called 10 things you didn't know about marijuana and something really caught my attention. The huge illegal grows on state land is usually sprayed with pesticides and get this, animal poison to keep the rodents away. Makes me glad I don't have to smoke black market rat poison anymore. Wish I thought about things like this back when I was younger


Well-Known Member
Proud of you oldman, that is a HUGE accomplishment going from 240mg to 22mg a day. Especially for the oxy. I never got on the oxy thank God. I'm still having a hard time kicking the x3 7.5mg Norco a day. I did cut my x4 10mg down as soon as I moved to cali though, but still taking the 22mg. The pills aren't even helping with the pain, only the weed is, so I guess it's more of a mental thing for me now since I've taken them for so long. II'm thinking of a plan of attack to completely stop the meds. I stopped my flexeril and ambien for months now, so only the Norco left and hopefully I can stop those soon. I would have never even have been taking them if it wasn't for drug tests, I was only smoking for pain for years until I had drug tests, then I had to go with the legal route of opiate pain killers, GO FIGURE!
Alpha if you want help with the pills get some Lavender oil from a health food or herbal
apothecary TAKE WITH FOOD but they take the edge off. Also get Dr. Murray's
Telemorx and L-Theanine all are over the counter, these are what I take to strengthen
my body against withdrawal. A nurse that works in a Health & Longevity Clinic gets them
for me.


Well-Known Member
All this talk about beaster buds, oh man, the early 2000s. Memories. I called beasters pretty schwag because of all the red hairs, but the shitty high that usually came with a headache. That's when I started growing my own and found a whole new world of what good clean mj is. I just watched a documentary called 10 things you didn't know about marijuana and something really caught my attention. The huge illegal grows on state land is usually sprayed with pesticides and get this, animal poison to keep the rodents away. Makes me glad I don't have to smoke black market rat poison anymore. Wish I thought about things like this back when I was younger
Everything I was getting was indoor grow from Vancouver direct to NY.
Only 2 people handled it before me.


Well-Known Member
Awesome Oldman, I'll give it a try for sure! Thanks for the info. The beasters I was getting looked like this stuff, it was indoor but just mass produced and kiefed most likely before it was shipped out, definitely lots of unflushed nutes, it was pretty bad but cheap aND available. But no doubt there is also some great top sshelf stuff out of bc, but it was much harder to find for me. The rat poison stuff I was talking about is the Mexican cartel illegal grows from out in cali, that nasty brick weed. Sooooo gross, that's all I smoked when I was 16 for the most part because it was 10$ a 1/8 and I didn't know any better lol glad I'm still alive after smoking that brick stuff, gross



Well-Known Member
Awesome Oldman, I'll give it a try for sure! Thanks for the info. The beasters I was getting looked like this stuff, it was indoor but just mass produced and kiefed most likely before it was shipped out, definitely lots of unflushed nutes, it was pretty bad but cheap aND available. But no doubt there is also some great top sshelf stuff out of bc, but it was much harder to find for me. The rat poison stuff I was talking about is the Mexican cartel illegal grows from out in cali, that nasty brick weed. Sooooo gross, that's all I smoked when I was 16 for the most part because it was 10$ a 1/8 and I didn't know any better lol glad I'm still alive after smoking that brick stuff, gross
We used to get "brick" but it was from So. America and it was dreamy.
4 people on a pin joint and be stoned for hours.
You can also get some Sam-E to help shake depression from getting off meds.


Well-Known Member
Proud of you oldman, that is a HUGE accomplishment going from 240mg to 22mg a day. Especially for the oxy. I never got on the oxy thank God. I'm still having a hard time kicking the x3 7.5mg Norco a day. I did cut my x4 10mg down as soon as I moved to cali though, but still taking the 22mg. The pills aren't even helping with the pain, only the weed is, so I guess it's more of a mental thing for me now since I've taken them for so long. II'm thinking of a plan of attack to completely stop the meds. I stopped my flexeril and ambien for months now, so only the Norco left and hopefully I can stop those soon. I would have never even have been taking them if it wasn't for drug tests, I was only smoking for pain for years until I had drug tests, then I had to go with the legal route of opiate pain killers, GO FIGURE!
One more thing about the Lavender oil don't try to drive until you see how it acts
on you. For me it's like taking 10mg of xanax, really strong stuff.


Well-Known Member
I make canna caps all the time. Wish I could get them tested. I make mine with hash so they are really fucking strong!

Oh and today was a great fucking day, my cousin showed up with a nice lil surprise for me. He had 3 kookie beans left!!! Fuck yea I hope there's 1 female left!
