Club 600


Well-Known Member
Beautiful! That reminds me of Johny nr 5 :)
Oh and check this grow out if you havent already. I was thinking i could steal some ideas for my UnderCurrentDWC but then i saw fish and was like what the COOL ;)
What an awesome idea :) Tottaly organic selfsustaining system with petting zoo :) Haha im high and in desperate need of sleep. Here


Well-Known Member
@Mo, we do not have a booth, I am not sure who that company next to CConnect are. I am not sure if it's well received or not either to be honest. Swerve is always nice to me and I have never had any personal issues with him, but lots of folks seem to, I guess when you go out and give some attitude, you get some back. I don't have such a great ear to the ground anymore....more like ear to the monitor:)


Well-Known Member
Good luck dst! That's great you're at the cup, you'll kill it out there.

Glad you didn't get too much snow jimmer, it looks crazy back east! And oldman, I remember the winter all too well, If I left the house for more than an few hours I would come home to coals in the woodstove (small 17" stove that held like 3 pieces tops, 50 degree house. Especially if I didn't get up at least once in the middle of the night to load it back up. BRRRR. Pellet stove is the way to go.

Great lookin nug pic instantbeef.

Those lumii grow glasses are on my christmas list, can't wait to get them! They look like they are just as good as method sevens and so much cheaper!!

Good luck with the bean planting dr. D, that snow lotus cross sounds great

Gen, that honey bee looks nice!!! Love the colors on it


Well-Known Member
I used to shovel snow in the winters back home in Alaska as a kid for extra money beyond my paper routes.
Lots of fresh air and great exercise!
Snow was like money falling from the sky to me...
I miss shoveling snow.
It was always me against Mother Nature, head to head, to see who would quit before Springtime arrived.
I lost a few times.
But won most of the time.


Well-Known Member
Dank plant figgy! Massive nuggets mmmm.

oldman, I've been to the stadium, was a bills vs chiefs. Brought my dad for his birthday (huge chiefs fan, we're a 1/4 native American so it suits him as my uncle is a redskins fan lol.. Well I don't really know what I am as I'm 1/4 aftrican american and 1/4 italian too. So I'm kind of a mutt and not sure what the rest of the heritage is but i'd like to find out someday..Sorry kinda went off topic there lol. Anyways, most disgusting stadium i've been had the privileged of seeing. People were pooping in the urinals... soooo grossssss. First and last time I go there lol

That's cool doobs, I used to shovel snow for the neighbors too, it was cool because it seemed to be on a day school was cancelled and me and my friends would take the money and go do something fun. Good times!


Well-Known Member
So I've been cleaning up and organizing some stuff. I got like two 5 gallon buckets full of twigs, branches, and stalks, from previous plants.

I figured I would add them to my soil. How would you guys suggest adding them? Should I cut them up small or just crunch them up?