Club 600


Well-Known Member
I hear ya oldman, i'm pretty young but with our generation it's the same thing.. Gotta look into the paper to see who died from an OD or the like. My home town is riddled with heroin, it got pretty bad out there. Growing up it was fine, but in my 20s I watched it turn into a shit hole and had 4 acquaintances die from it. And some of my "friends" were selling it and that REALLY pissed me off so I just kinda said fuck this town. Didn't want to watch it go into the gutter anymore and got the hell out of there.

lol @ jig that's funny.. Hiding out lol. I used to do that too before I knew my gf parents knew I smoked. Her parents are cool but they don't smoke really, but they know all about what I do and don't care at least. Her mom smoked with us a couple times lol, it was pretty funny. Her dad sips on beer here and there so I help em with a few and we have alot of things in common like hunting and building stuff. He makes moon shine so that's always fun to hang out and brew up some goodies with her dad. Apple pie shine is my fav.

@hydro glad youre back dude! Feel better, that sucks getting sick on top of everything else you're going through. Shit will sort it's self out in time brotha. You're garden is lookin good so that should cheer ya up some


Well-Known Member
Damn figgy, is that dog sift? Looks dank.

Just finished up the flood table. I'm stoked :) went to check on the flower room and did some selective pruning and everything is sticky AF in there. Finally the tangilope is budding and budding fast. Almost had caught up to the sour power that started throwing pistols 10 days ago



Well-Known Member
I have a little hash.... how much and how do I get it into butter for some brownies or something? I'm making a batch for people who don't smoke at all... so super weak - weak is ok.

I was thinking like 1/2 a gram or even less?
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Just wrapped up tearing down, cleaning out and resetting everything in the flower tent, shit gets dirtier than I would have ever thought lol. Got the first ED and PK bushes back into 12/12 now we wait hehe! Ended up with 2 more ED females, so I ended up with 2 bushy and 1 taller ED, and a tall and a short bushy of both the PK and FB. That should keep me busy for a while. Hope your all doing good and staying high, about to go for the hash, old lady pissed in my Wheaties today. MD


Well-Known Member
I've never had qwiso before but I hear it's super clean. Looks so good!!

Nice malequin gigs, the front is piling on that baby too.

Had anyone used or know anything about this "the neutralizer' (in the pic? Seems like if it works it would be way cheaper than replacing and messing with carbon filters. It would make the exhaust so much better too with out pushing or pulling through a filter. Each smell cartridge lasts 7 weeks and I bet way cheaper to replace the cartridge than a filter. What do yall think?



Well-Known Member
I know a couple of res that grow somewhat ill
I have a little hash.... how much and how do I get it into butter for some brownies or something? I'm making a batch for people who don't smoke at all... so super weak - weak is ok.

I was thinking like 1/2 a gram or even less?
Considering who's coming to visit, I;m not sure if I want to fall for a joke and answer. But since it's all ready hash, just heat the oil up needed for the brownies and mix the hash in it. Then make as directed. Thats what I'd do for people that don't smoke. For the visitor on the road, you might need a little more strength.


Well-Known Member
Brosef, I could have given you some hash when you were here had I known. I have almost an oz of dry ice hash in my freezer. I keep it for a rainy day type thing but would always part with it for you.

If you can wait until tomorrow to make the edibles, I'll hook you up.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for keeping me company and sane through all this shit. I know sometimes I can go off the wall but fuck it's been a rough road and thank god it's almost over. You all are great people and I'm glad to call you guys friends. You guys are better people then some of my long time friends!

Thanks for everything guys! Here's to the road of dank in 2015!


Well-Known Member
@gigles26, you just keep staying strong for your women and karma will take care of the rest. And we all go off are rocker from time to time.

Hydro, I'm not religious at all, in fact far from it, but god bless you man! They say what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, well you must be fucking Hercules.

Oh, I almost forgot, they had no problem with the trip. I even worked a 12 hour day today, and it felt good after not getting paid for any work in 3 years and being in school for the last 18 months. I have my first state inspection in 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Thanks jimmer and that's awesome dude! It's nice having a career. How was it? What'd yea do?
The title is Director of Environment Services. The people are really nice and I generally like older people anyways. I pretty much just fix minor stuff then call contractors for the rest. The cool part is they are building another wing this spring and I'm going to be the super. The one thing thats weird for me is being in charge of people besides construction workers. I actually went out of my way to have a personal conversation with the people directly under me just to ease things for me. The weirdest part was having somebody come up to me and tell me he's my director of dietary services. At first I thought he was telling me he was one of my bosses. I'm just upset I won't never be able to share my smoke with the people I work with like I would as a normal employee. This will actually be hard for me to do but I have to. Thanks for asking, my girl just bitched and went up stairs.