Club 600


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Blue Power F1.. Flipped to flower Dec. 31. She smells like blue berries.
I moved her up to a 3 gal pot last Thursday since she was in a 1gal.. And was drying out every two days.. Kind of surprised at the bud size for only 12 days since flip. Hope that means she is going to have BIG BUDS


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Well-Known Member
@AlphaPhase I notice as well that colder temps, and inconsistent temps can add weeks to a flowering lady. If shes supposed to be a 9 week but takes 15, thats quite a jump so I would wonder about possible environmental issues
I think the environment is ok, it could have been stunted by some pruning, but prior to the pruning it took 5 weeks to even throw a pistil. It started out as a seedling that should have been thrown away (mutations) but I grew it out knowing it would be a crazy roller coaster lol. I also had to prune the roots (but this was after the 5 weeks and no pistils) and after the pruning is when it actually started budding. Maybe running it a second time will work out the mutation problems that keep coming up in the first run (leaves growing from leaves, super thin sativa leaves along with super fat indica leaves on the same plant, other weird stuff). Here she was as a baby, notice there was no main stem? It was a fused leaf set that never opened to make a growing shoot and the shoot had to grow out of a random spot on the stem, strange for sure. I'll never know unless I can run it again though, could be something I did to it somewhere along the lines, but it's always looked healthy so I'm not really sure. Anyways, pics of the tangilopes life from seedling till now, same plant but doesn't look like it loldownloadfile-10.png tang1.jpg 20141226_153947.jpg


Well-Known Member
@FLkeys1 lol my 2.5 gal pots some days want water 2 times. tells me it full of roots. They will slow now since stretch is over. Sucks watering so much but will be worth it. I dont want to stress mine so I am not up potting them now.


Well-Known Member
@AlphaPhase She looks like the sativa decided to come out in her bro. It happens. Sometimes they just go slow slow slow. She looks very healthy. you using anyting like DG in your res? How does the roots feel/smell?


Well-Known Member
@AlphaPhase She looks like the sativa decided to come out in her bro. It happens. Sometimes they just go slow slow slow. She looks very healthy. you using anyting like DG in your res? How does the roots feel/smell?
Thanks bro! I was using the pool shock (calcium hypoclorite) to keep the res sterile, then I used enzymes for a short time and recently switched to the dm zone. The roots are SUPER ropey, like really hard thick roots at the top that then grow like speghetti towards the bottoms. They feel firm and don't really smell at all but they aren't bright white anymore, more of a tan color. Here's a pic of the roots from a few weeks ago before I prunned them, they got way too big for the system and I had to snip em :(tmp_21396-20141128_1355121742466707.jpg


Well-Known Member
cant imagine moving up to a bigger pot would stress a plant. On the other hand being so root bound that a plant needs to be watered twice a day can't make a plant happy.. All I can go by is my own growing experience.. Each persons is different and what works for one may not work for others..
So you think i should up pot it I have 3 doing that. but it is the stretch I think that made them drink so much.


Well-Known Member
I think she is just taking her time. Its a female Sativa thing. You did right trimming the roots but it will slow her down a bit. she should bounce back and finsih okay. I would next time before you flip check roots and trim first give a week to recover then flip. Who knows that one could be the one that gets you so high you start tripping.


Well-Known Member
@FLkeys1 lol my 2.5 gal pots some days want water 2 times. tells me it full of roots. They will slow now since stretch is over. Sucks watering so much but will be worth it. I dont want to stress mine so I am not up potting them now.
I re-read this again.. When you say they will slow since the stretch is over?
Slow as in using less water or slow as in growth?


Well-Known Member
I re-read this again.. When you say they will slow since the stretch is over?
Slow as in using less water or slow as in growth?
They will use less water as they have just finished stretching and producing flowers everywhere. I would say they are on 2nd week after flowers started. I usually wouldn't up pot now as I dont want to stress them. but you have tons more experience as me. I dont mind watering them daily now. stretch is over now for sure. only bud growth now.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Noticed one of my bubblegums is developing a bunch of seeds. But strangely none of the pistils seem to have been affected. Still big and white. Cant see any male parts.

Question: Can a cannabis plant produce seeds by itself without pollenation?


Well-Known Member
hydro some how pollen must have happened. or you have a rare sativa feature where a plant is male and female both. It is common in Panama Red strains but have not heard of it out of the PR strain.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Noticed one of my bubblegums is developing a bunch of seeds. But strangely none of the pistils seem to have been affected. Still big and white. Cant see any male parts.

Question: Can a cannabis plant produce seeds by itself without pollenation?
Have heard this can happen with boss hogg by cali connect (search boss hogg microseeds) which is why I have not grown the freebies that I have of it.
Never had it happen to me personally though. I have had plants with abnormally large ovules, could see a lot of them after you ground up the buds and made the bud taste unappealing imo, any chance they are just large ovules? If the pistil hasnt been fertilized and is still white then I am stumped.


Well-Known Member
Oh and just to come out with my happyness. Was great today at the fysical therapist. I managed to take 20 steps up stairs. Wobbly and insecure but without pain so its a great feeling. Got a wrist weight with me home to use for a certain exercise i suck real bad at. But nice progress!