Club 600


Well-Known Member

I have flowered with HO T-5. buds are great but Yield stinks and anything farther down than 6" is hash only IMO. I ran it many times. I have also ran MH, HPS, CMH, CFL and now LED over the last 7yrs growing.

I believe you can get good quality from t-5. I can get same with cmh or led is my point. Not only that... but more yield per watt. At least in my case.

For me it is also about the science of light. I'm fully a lighting nerd... Its my profession to be so..


Well-Known Member
I'd love to run t5's with the right spectrums along side a duel mh/hps lamp, it would be hard to wire up though, i was thinking a 6 bulb 4 foot t5 fixture on 3/4 walls and x2 2' 6bulb t5 to the left and right of the hps/mh combo. Best of all worlds but it would be hard to hang them all

two 5000k cobs would give you all the blue you ever want to go along with an HPS. Its easy to build singles. If there is enough interest I can work on getting a walk through on how to build some single cob fixtures for the 600. Supplementing with blue whites is not a bad idea.


Well-Known Member
That'd be awesome someguy! I'd like to tinker around and make one this spring/summer when the weather gets a little better. It'd be fun to have a project to work on as I've been slacking hardcore this winter doing anything very productive :p


Well-Known Member
Well glad that's all done. New cast iron sump pump, check, New furnace igniter, check, new 30 amp dedicated breaker for downstairs, check, topped and clone, check, watered seedlings, check, and now to eat and watch a movie with the boys and enjoy this bowl :)

Hope everyone had a good day! Oh and neon future is ending week 8 tonight :weed:


Well-Known Member
That'd be awesome someguy! I'd like to tinker around and make one this spring/summer when the weather gets a little better. It'd be fun to have a project to work on as I've been slacking hardcore this winter doing anything very productive :p

I will be able to order some more COB parts in feb so I can get something going on here later next month. I will do a drawing for a single cob design.

I need to build a flower trigger too so I can give @Mohican back his kessil. so I should make a walk through for that too. Honestly it may help guys/gals here too. Using far red (730nm) you can help plants fall asleep quicker at lights out for 15-20min. There was a marked difference for me with the onset of flowers coming faster. I have heard if you zap them before lights on that it will induce more stretch. I have YET to test that.


Well-Known Member
Right on someguy, I wish I could say I know what that means but I have no clue lol, but I'm awesome at following instructions and getting the hang of things, so when you're ready in February I'll be ready to learn for sure. I've heard that about the far red right before lights out as well, that's cool it works, I'm not sure I'd want extra stretch from using it during lights on though, unless it was a dense Indica plant (which I'll be growing a few here and there soon so I might be able to use that actually). It's been so long since I've grown a 100% Indica or any Indica dom hybrid for that matter but I can't freakin wait!


Well-Known Member
I will be able to order some more COB parts in feb so I can get something going on here later next month. I will do a drawing for a single cob design.

I need to build a flower trigger too so I can give @Mohican back his kessil. so I should make a walk through for that too. Honestly it may help guys/gals here too. Using far red (730nm) you can help plants fall asleep quicker at lights out for 15-20min. There was a marked difference for me with the onset of flowers coming faster. I have heard if you zap them before lights on that it will induce more stretch. I have YET to test that.
I've got a 730nm LED that comes on 10 min before lights on and 10 min after lights out. Been doing it for over a year now :)