Club 600


Well-Known Member
Evening fellas.
Just got my hands on a 1x1m tent. So im planning on a dog sog run. Never done sog. So what you think about this?
20 plants in 6liter square pots that will fill the 1 meter tent. 600w.
I was thinking of potting up when clones are rooted and then give them a week to settle before 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if it was here or in the BB thread someone asked about how long their Fireballs took to clone. It was J.D.
I had just put some FB snips down and said I would report back. Anyhoo, first couple have legs. Rest are looking a bit slow to go. So yeh, there's my cryptic message, lol. Night night folks.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Can I get some opinions if this is male or female? I have to get it out of the flood table soon if it's male, but I'm not sure... Man I suck at figuring out regular seeds haha


