Club 600

Yoga pants are terrible:

Get those off!


(funny, but "beautiful yoga instructor" failed to find her...for some reason adding
"huge tits" solved that problem)
Omg. Who doesn't love boobies. That pic is awesome.. Lol
Well, here's some words of advice from a great man mark twain. "the two most important days of a person's life is the day they are born and the day they find out the reason why." Hopefully everyone has found their purpose, as I know I have, and hopefully ones purpose is to not be a jerk and try to help as many people as they can. Don't be a user, don't be judgemental, don't accuse others without knowledge of truth, be humble, learn as much as you can and realize you do not know everything. Last but not least, be grateful for what you have. If you can do these things, you will find your purpose in life instead of blindly stumbling along wondering "what if". Good vibes to everyone and make those changes if you need to, your life will be more meaningful. Happy Friday the 13th, don't let it give you bad luck or bad vibes. Smoke something good and healthy today. Peace. View attachment 3350510View attachment 3350511

GD man! thats some sexy ass buds! great camera skills to lol