Club 600

Purple paralysis, mk ultra, Aurora, fruity chronic juice and gg4. The cut is confirmed by the breeder himself so I feel comfortable running it now. Also just popped 2 headbangers regulars and 1 blue lemon thai fem. A sour cherry seedling will also be in the mix for the next grow
I mean when u were in NY.Did you have any fellow planter buddies?
Here is my Buddah Tahoe OG x Mr Nice
took the misses up to the Colombia river gorge for the next few nights, hope everyone had a great valentines day full of good smoke good company and hopefully, a happy ending of some sort.

its nice being away from the plants for a few days, when u see them every day the subtle changes can go unnoticed I'm looking forward to seeing the big changes when I get home in a few nights. Anyway, have a great night club 600.

stay free stay high

Ok well guys my time at the 6 is done take care and thanks for alll you guys did even though I guess everyone I talk to thinks I'm lying about everything and my wife. It's okay I know what's the truth and yea sure I may be a dick sometimes but after everything I've been through its tough. So believe me whether you guys want or not but im gonna do me regardless. So congrats alpha you won. You got what you want.

AlphaPhaseWell-Known Member
And just FYI, there's at least 15 people that think you're a lieing, ungrateful, selfish and condescending ass hat. Cheating people out of $, crying the same old song to make people feel bad. Getting pissed at people when you don't get your way. What is it, people you don't even know are supposed to pay your bills? You get rid of the stuff and you have to use other people's stuff? Or use others stuff to get rid of to? Make sure you even know who you're talking to before you make yourself a joke.i didn't even get a thank you, as I hear is common from other users. Riu isn't your personal charity. I'm starting to believe your full of it with the hospital stuff too. Would love to see a intake form from today as I get one EVERYTIME I have to go to the hospital and er, at least once a month. I smell bullshit because the cancer patients I help aren't assholes like you telling me to go fuck myself 3 weeks after they get a donation. So you know what? I bet it's hard to live with yourself. And IF your wife was in the hospital today as you said, coughing up blood, and you can prove that, MAYBE just maybe you'll get a fairy drop from someone. But I don't think people coughing up blood should be smoking in the first place. So, yeah, check yourself before you wreck yourself bro. And yup, I'm buzzing on a lovely Valentines day and glad I could get this out and speak for many others seeing through your bullshit. Now I will go fuck myself.

Sorry for all the troubles I've caused and people and no I'm not leaving to hide anything, I'm leaving cause it's clear im not part of the family anymore and I'm not jeopardizing my family's safety.
What do you expect you act like a fucking narc!
What do you expect you act like a fucking narc!

So it's great news Im moving to Colorado but yet I'm a narc, makes sense....

Wow this is great. I'm the furthest from a narc and if asking for help cause of my wife makes me a narc then I guess I'm the biggest narc alive. So you can piss off to.

I don't need any approval from you either. So keep talking your shit as well.
