Club 600


Well-Known Member
Thank you COF, Always remember whats good business for us is always bad business for them. Trip on that haters FUCK YOU do you WE doing our thing here right boyz. still just rollin stay tuned for the moondance show fuck it lets go off the right way!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay Thank you all, I'm chill again let's smoke some shit and get down to our business. Done on Facebook too, hate that shit!


Well-Known Member
So finally got to the grow shop yesterday, two weeks late, bought a torin-sifan acoustic fan. Its silent, only noise is the airflow whoosh in the ducting. Bit of a squeeze but managed to get it in with the cf and the aircooled hood.
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next lot in, going down to 9 plants this run.
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Well-Known Member
Have you talked with a nutritionist? a real one not just a dietitian.
Natural diets means no dyes, chems, processed anything, start small
and gradually add 1 more food at a time.
Good luck and if you need to scream do it here the stress this puts both
you and your family under no one should need to go through.
If you need to talk you can pm me.
thanks oldman60, im sure alot of parents go through this, unfortunatly i was hoping for a normal healthy child..however unconditional love keeps us trying our best to be better parents than our parents were...i am thankfull he is healthy, just thinks differently than the rest of us...its hard to deal with a mind that you dont understand...