Club 600


Well-Known Member
its one thing if he breed it himself. Seems rather silly to try to horde someone else's breeding lol. I have met those people though, generally they arent the best growers though. 10 people can grow any strain out and its gonna be a bit different, and certainly not all going to dank.


Well-Known Member
It's sad there's people like that out there, even if there wasn't something for trade that caught his eye he should still be willing to trade. Maybe he really doesn't have it? I'd give ya 10 for free, it's just genetics, not like gg4 is the Holy grail or anything and like he's the only one that has it or something. Ridiculous man.
Hell I have handed it to a lot of growers and offered it to others in the month or so I have had it. Like you said it is good and worth growing I think but not the holy grail.


Well-Known Member
I offered stuff I created too.

I never asked dude for anything, he realized I was local to him and inboxed me.
I found out he was on riu also and invited him to our club.
I thought dude might be cool but just in case he does show up, he's the same dude that tried to tell AP not to go over a certain ppms with the glue, just before the shut down.

Im not even mad, I just really find all this hilarious.

Back to putting in work. Making edibles this evening. Pics later.


Well-Known Member
I offered stuff I created too.

I never asked dude for anything, he realized I was local to him and inboxed me.
I found out he was on riu also and invited him to our club.
I thought dude might be cool but just in case he does show up, he's the same dude that tried to tell AP not to go over a certain ppms with the glue, just before the shut down.

Im not even mad, I just really find all this hilarious.

Back to putting in work. Making edibles this evening. Pics later.
You know when I was a youngster we had a saying I don't know where
it started but it's still pertinent "We have to share yours 'cause we done
shared mine" I know Jerry Garcia used it but he didn't start it.
Weed is the love drug and it scares me that it's getting lost in it's popularity
now. This is why I have found a home with the 600 you guys still have heart
and I salute you all, my family I just found.
Mediocrity is as terrible as cancer it just eats away all that's good. The only
best grower is Mother Nature the rest of us have to take a backseat.
It is my choice not to have social intercourse with people who think they are too
good to share their knowledge with me.
I met a grower today who when told what I grow and why, simply turned his back
to me and started a conv. with someone else. I asked another friend whats up
and he said I didn't meet his standard of grower.
Keep the faith, share the love.


Well-Known Member
I got a little bottle of GH Floralicious Plus from work, easily enough for a few grows though.

Has anybody used this stuff? Should I try a little out?


Well-Known Member
Its this stuff except in a tiny bottle:

"Super concentrated organic enhancer
Floralicious® Plus is a vegan bio plant stimulator & nutrient additive. It is everything that is Floralicious except it has been formulated to be utilized in both the vegetative and regenerative, or the flowering, stages of growth. Floralicious Plus stimulates microbial activity in the plant’s root zone. This metabolic fuel solution is packed with powerful vitamins, complex plant sugars, protein building amino acids, seaweed extracts, carbon building blocks & aromatic oils all in a fulvic acid base."

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
I think I mite ave tried it with no good results. A lot of GH products like this are junk. try to keep it simple and don't overthink things or make yourself have to worry about adding another product if you don't need to. I personally would not use it. Maybe just toss it in some other plants in my outdoor garden, like my lavender , roses or tomatoes or amend some outdoor soil with it for the hell of it.


Well-Known Member
I just find it funny that nothing on the list I sent him is "worthy".
Sour D =super stank
Kool aid kush =very tasty
The Dog= potent and frosty
bag sour f2 #7= brand new
Cheese= mmm good
Black Sour Bubble= purple ass hell
Lemon Skunk= best overall flavor really like lemons
Mr Nice in testing now
Tangilope in testing now but the sample was extremely flavorful
Jesus og x mulange sativa=??

He said that it was considered an insult to offer any of these for the "high quality" gg#4

So if you dont already have clone only you cant get gg#4?
Or at least that is my situation, its all good I still helped dude out with his cloning problems.
What a complete bellend. Even if the guy offered me a clone straight up I wouldn't take it from this bad karma mnotherfukker. You have my permission to call him a fukkin DICKWAD! Then slowly walk up to him and kick him in the knackers. People just make my blood boil.


Well-Known Member
Any harm in using my neoprene collars more then 2 or 3 times like the lad in shop suggested..... as already used my ones I got with cloner way more times and had no harm or is he trying to make more money off me