Club 600


Well-Known Member
For the 4th me and the fam went to Gibraltar, which is British. It was like little England, but with nice weather. Everything was in pounds, and they even had prawn salad sandwiches in the shops. Before we went we Americaned it up by going to McDonalds and eating way too much gross shit. :) It was great. And strangely, must be the ingredients, the food reminded me of what it tasted like in the 80's. My McNuggets took me right back 30 years to being there on a Saturday with my dad playing in the playground, getting a happy meal.

Thinking of all my American brothers and sisters today. :)


Well-Known Member
I had a lady at work today #1: Be disgusted at the fact that roots organic buddha bloom's primary ingredient is Bat Guana, #2: Tell me she has never in her life heard of guano's being used as fertilizer, #3 i sold her a bag of roots organic potting soil which she happily walked out the door with...

Roots organic potting soil: Coco fiber, peat moss, perlite, pumice, premium worm castings, bat guano, kelp, fish bone meal, soy bean meal, feather meal, greensand, leonardite and alfalfa meal.

Lmfao... Not that i'm trying to mislead her or anything but if she thinks guano's aren't fertilizers then she really needs to open her mind.

On the topic of roots organic potting soil, so far the best straight up potting soil i've ever used. I would literally recommend this stuff to anybody i've never kept plants so healthy in my life as I am not with full organic.

And... On the topic of "organic," My definition of organic is feeding a living soil instead of feeding a plant (aka most synthetics).

Yeah /rant
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Well-Known Member
Pics of my trip if anyone is interested. Crazy place Gibraltar. It's literally a giant rock. Something like 1,400 feet tall (426 m). Connected to Spain by a sand bar type land form thing. Craziest part, you drive across the runway of the airport to get to the place. You have to stop when a plan is either landing or taking off. We had to wait for one to land before going in.

Looking down the Runway
Some of the many many caves in the island. There's also an underground lake. We're going to check it out next visit.
Some fancy houses
Great Britain.... you may have big ass guns... but they aren't enough to keep a hold on the USA!!!! America, Fuck Yeah! lol
Hard to see, but on the right in the distance is Spain, on the left in the distance is Morocco. I've never seen Africa before. I explained to my little girl that she came from there. :)
Mosque at the end of the land, with the rock behind it.
And the lighthouse. Good times. There were dudes down below fishing. Not sure what they were catching, but they had HUGE poles. haha... that's what she said. :P


Well-Known Member
Happy 4th 600! I wanted to add something about the additional tool with the roach clips from earlier. The friend said her dad was a big coke and pot head back in the day (I'm guessing 60-70's). She always thought it to be for coke. All I know is that roach clip was a treat to use.


Well-Known Member
Happy Independence day yall

Looks like you had a awesome time jig!

GemuGrows, that roots organic soil is great stuff, too funny about the guano lol. I'm gonna mix up a small batch of super soil in the near future, any tips on how to build up the nematodes, bacteria and fungi? Is there a way to buy all the separate critters for the soil? Gotta love the wars going on under ground with the bacteria eating fungi and nematodes eating bacteria, then pooping out the food for the plant :) I'm gonna do a full organic water only grow soon so any help on the supplies I need to get the life in the Super soil at full speed would be cool, I have a recipe for the soil but not the life that needs to go in it

Have a great weekend yall

Sweet tools BTW figgy 8-)


Well-Known Member
Happy Independence day yall

Looks like you had a awesome time jig!

GemuGrows, that roots organic soil is great stuff, too funny about the guano lol. I'm gonna mix up a small batch of super soil in the near future, any tips on how to build up the nematodes, bacteria and fungi? Is there a way to buy all the separate critters for the soil? Gotta love the wars going on under ground with the bacteria eating fungi and nematodes eating bacteria, then pooping out the food for the plant :) I'm gonna do a full organic water only grow soon so any help on the supplies I need to get the life in the Super soil at full speed would be cool, I have a recipe for the soil but not the life that needs to go in it

Have a great weekend yall

Sweet tools BTW figgy 8-)
Yeah the two best things you can probably feed your organic soil (after inoculating the soil with mycorrhizae) are (in my opinion):
#1: Compost tea. Really easy to make. You can get like a $35 tea kit from a hydro store most likely, and some stores brew their own tea. All you need is like a 5 gallon bucket, a circulation water pump, and a air pump with a stone. Brew up your tea and let it sit for like 24+ hours (48 would be best). Guanos have a lot of beneficial bacteria in them, and the tea will have a ton of organic matter for your soil life to break down.

#2: Unsulphured molasses: Feeds the shit out of your soil life once its there, breaks down a to a ton of little elements your plants will love that will keep them healthy and green.

IMO organic growing takes more confidence than growing with synthetics, but its much easier to do once you get it started. Feed the soil not the plant!

So recap, Start with good organic soil with Myco (soil fungi) in it. , if it doesnt have it make sure to get some in it. Great white is a really good myco product, so is "Plant success granular". Then feed with compost teas (bacteria) and molasses (Mostly feeds soil life, some goodies go to your plant), and you can add supplement or use organic base nutrients too.

You could probably buy all the separate beneficial orginisms, but you would have to find very specific suppliers and likely order online. Most shops should carry several types of organic root zone inoculates

Also it is in my opinion that you could easily use a healthily maintained soil many times before it gets too imbalanced. IE, you consistently keep your soil life fed and active. It could easily also potentially be better soil grow 2, 3, 4, etc...

As for mixing your super soil i'd suggest some version of Subcool's super soil and giving it a few months to "cook." During this cooking feed it just compost tea and molasses, this will instill the definition to you: "Feed the soil, not the plant" Because you will theoretically literally spend a few months feeding soil without a plant in it.

Can't go wrong with organics unless your really trying to push yield; but i'm sure a lot of people would debate that pretty heavily I would need more experience say somebody was right or wrong in that sense.

/rant I hope I helped in some way lmao

Edit: Good base soil choices: Roots organic (May or not have myco I honestly don't know, I only found 1 source that said it did), Fox Farm Happy frog (has myco in it!), Vermisoil (has myco), Vermifire (also has mico, its hotter than Vermisoil)

Good Myco innocs: Zho, Great white (likely the best), plant success granular (What i'm currently trying)

Good bacteria innocs: Compost teas with guanos, Fox Farm Big Bloom is also a good product that should have live benis in it, its also their only all organic product pretty much. I actually use this stuff in small quantities

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
funny story about the mycos....

the wife was rooting two African violet leaves in separate pots using some of my soil mix. I noticed mycos starting to grow on the surface of the soil and one day one of them had been scaped off. The wife thought it was mold and had removed it. I explained what it was and that it was beneficial and she left it alone. The one she scraped has spit out several babies but has not flowered. This is the one she didn't touch and it is next to the other one.....notice the mycos....



Well-Known Member
Awesome info guys!! It's very much appreciated :) I liked the vermifire gemu, but it definitely was Hella hot and made my plants deep green, but very very healthy other than that! I maybe trying the vermisoil soon for my mother plants as I am in the middle of converting my mama room to soil. So far I've just been using black gold as a starter soil for the new mama clones and they are liking it. Love the detailed info you guys gave for when I make a mix, it'll help out alot for sure. :)


Well-Known Member
Cof that is crazy! Microbial action at its finest right there! Nice flowers 8-) It's been a long time since I've grown in soil and the info I knew then wasn't very much, I didn't know what was actually happening in the root zone, I just mixed some soil up and planted plants, they were always so nice and green, just add water and done. I miss not having to use meters and pumps and timers everywhere. Now with the stuff I'm reading about teas and other goodies for the soil, it sounds like something I wanna play around with again. So I'm gonna get my mama room converted to soil and start learning and possibly change a flower room to soil and see how it goes. I'll probably always have some sort of hydro going, but the super soil might be hanging around the garden again as well :)