Club 600


Well-Known Member
I'm changing the res today I think but yeah I see what other suggest aswell,

@jigfresh @Don Gin and Ton u think the plemons love the feed
i've been using CX hydroponics with compost teas. I think CX might honestly be one of the best nute lines on market, if you email them they will send you a generous sample size of their full line for the shipping cost (Like $34).

Definitely look into it, the stuff has been killer and a half for me

Their base nutes are like 5-10ml/L, all their suppliments are 1 Ml/L. The stuff costs a little up front but lasts a long ass time. Its syntheic but its blended with kelp extracts. Again, the stuff has been insane for me

I have dirt cheep access to many nute lines, I even have a few full boxes of nute lines sitting around. The nutes I chose for my hydro is CX hydroponics.

^I very seriously suggest you guys check those guys out. Again, they will send you a full sample pack for a very low price
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Well-Known Member
So i maybe should be adding more veg and cal mag haha.. a just worried about adding to much there growth doesn't seem to of slowed down either but I imagine soon I will


Well-Known Member
So i maybe should be adding more veg and cal mag haha.. a just worried about adding to much there growth doesn't seem to of slowed down either but I imagine soon I will
As far as I understand, cannabis is a calcium magnesium whore. Its gonna be hard to over calmag. Also, at least with my nute line, these plants can handle crazy PPM's. If I were growing semi mature lettuce I would have it at 500ppm, but semi mature pot i'd have at 800-900 ppm o:

Again, just my 0.02


Well-Known Member
What's the bottle for the Cal-Mag say? Mine was 5ml- 10ml per gal. I would always use 5ml per gal minimum, and usually like 7ml per gallon. I'm guessing more cal mag would help. Maybe a bit less base nutes so compensate for the added cal mag. 600 isn't too high. Deffo add veg if they are still vegging... they will need that N.


Well-Known Member
What's the bottle for the Cal-Mag say? Mine was 5ml- 10ml per gal. I would always use 5ml per gal minimum, and usually like 7ml per gallon. I'm guessing more cal mag would help. Maybe a bit less base nutes so compensate for the added cal mag. 600 isn't too high. Deffo add veg if they are still vegging... they will need that N.
Very good point, calmag comes with N. Its gonna be hard to overdo calmag in veg with running low veg ppms

IMO/in my experience that is


Well-Known Member
MG or call mag whatever will always come with N as that it's main allow the plant to uptake N.
Also Magnesium is the center atom in cholrophyll. Plants gonna stay green at the veins, but yellow in between when they don't have enough.

Calcium doesnt move through the plant, pretty much once its taken up it stays where it is. Its a non mobile nutrient; which is why the plant needs a pretty constant supply of the stuff.

Nitrogen, of course we all know what nitrogen does.


Well-Known Member
2ml ltr on cal mag bottle

So my base is 7ml/1ltr
Cal/mag is 2ml/1ltr
Root zone is 5ml/20ltrs

Tap water is 200ppm on its own and I wana fill with 30ltrs water

What would you guys suggest for the res change today


Well-Known Member
2ml ltr on cal mag bottle

So my base is 7ml/1ltr
Cal/mag is 2ml/1ltr
Root zone is 5ml/20ltrs

Tap water is 200ppm on its own and I wana fill with 30ltrs water

What would you guys suggest for the res change today
One of my customers was runnin 2ml/gallon of 4 different cal mag suppliments and raving about the results.

usually i'd be like "ok dawg sounds good.." But this guy has an extremely expensive/diald in setup.

High calmag with a good variety of them could very well be something grand.

My thoughts, maybe try 800ppm, I doubt it will burn but your plants look like they may be hungry. But you have been growing far longer than me so of course its up to you


Well-Known Member
I will raise the ppms when I change today after dinner, I maybe hopefully have a idea of how much of each to start with..
This is the only place I can trust the in answers haha


Well-Known Member
Looks like 700-800 it is then this afternoon any thoughts tho of how much that ppm be veg an how much b cal mag baring in mind the waters ready 200


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me. See how they roll with that. And if anything looks too weird, just add water.

EDIT: Just leave out the extra 30 ml for now. We posting at the same time lol