Club 600

You didn't have much joy when it came to your BB grow @oldman60 . Sounds like everything had balls. Sorry to hear that.
No complaints on quality D best smoke I've had in a while just having to hear it from
everyone else, I love the Blue Pit and Jake's Dream top shelf there.
I was 50% of the problem not keeping it warm enough at night but I love the purple
that came out in JD and HD x SC.
I'm planning a redo in the fall.

Whodat, wish I had that space. Makes my 3x4 greenhouse look a bit.......well, teeny wheeny, lol.

Full room of Dog sounds the ticket.Oldman. At least the qulity was there thank FSM.

You down near Malaga again Budolskie? You should have hollered and met up with Jigfresh! Could have visited the farm;)

My cab is nearly down. It's taken nearly a week so far.....I can only get like 2 hour slots. Got up yesterday before sunrise to get a couple of hours in before the bairns woke up. Looks like summer has finished here already, back to freezing again. I heard the South of Europe has been cold and the North warm (friends went to Portugal and it rained everyday ffs).....hottest here was 37.4c in Brabant. It's back down to near single figures today and rainy funtimes at the Speltuin.
Well. He's a few km from Benelmadena and not sure if the buses run efficiently up to the mountains. It would be a couple of hours travel or hour-ish in a car.
A frIend of mine has an apartment down in Benelmadena if you ever want to go again...he does charge but give mates rates.