Club 600

First sunny day in a week and we are due thunderstorms....grrrr. We want braai!
Grizquack is cute.I clone in perlite.I make a tiny hempy system.These days i dont even think about the clones.
Put them in perlite with rainwater.10 days later the leaves will have yellowed and roots are ready to put
in a small pot of growing medium.Easy Peasy.Your clones will be fine.Collect fresh rainwater if u can.
Grizquack is cute.I clone in perlite.I make a tiny hempy system.These days i dont even think about the clones.
Put them in perlite with rainwater.10 days later the leaves will have yellowed and roots are ready to put
in a small pot of growing medium.Easy Peasy.Your clones will be fine.Collect fresh rainwater if u can.

I used bottled water with some liquid Root Enhancer that I let my Rapid Rooters soak in. Added a bit of water to my tray, misted it down and put my heating mat under. I hope they take root within 5 days... Being hopeful. I've seen some hempy set ups and I think I might give it a try for my first set of non autos.