Club 600

Hi guys. Been a while. I can tell by whodat's trees.. Dajum speechless. Other than my head looping "Fuck yeah "

Dealer shooting a cop in the head at Christiania have had massive consequenses. Pusherstreet have been closed. The hash market have moved onto the streets.
Stupid politicians pushing their war on hash, now made it all worse..
Kids are selling cause they cant get charged. I smell legalisation as the only way out..

Dog bx2 X SourAmnesia
This weed the shizz.. Growing through harsh environment like its nada.. Pulling yield and delicious fruity smells..
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Hi guys. Been a while. I can tell by whodat's trees.. Dajum speechless. Other than my head looping "Fuck yeah "

Dealer shooting a cop in the head at Christiania have had massive consequenses. Pusherstreet have been closed. The hash market have moved onto the streets.
Stupid politicians pushing their war on hash, now made it all worse..
Kids are selling cause they cant get charged. I smell legalisation as the only way out..

Dog bx2 X SourAmnesia
This weed the shizz.. Growing through harsh environment like its nada.. Pulling yield and delicious fruity smells..
View attachment 3773107 View attachment 3773108
Beautiful buds Hydro. :clap::clap:

Good morning 600! So over the weekend I had a bit of a dilemma, I have a very good friend (15years) who over the weekend came to visit me and hang a bit. We don't see each other as often as we would like due to life, but anyhow he confided in me that he has started growing weed in a micro style(computer cabinet) he seems to have done a good bit of research and is running gh micro/bloom Lucas style, but he definately has some issues, question is how do I help him without breaking rule#1, or do I just help and give up my secret identity as it were? Fear being that if he finds out about my op I'd have to become his full-time supplier and I'd feel awkward charging a good friend.... 20160828_105730.jpegwhat he has done so far:wall:
Good morning 600! So over the weekend I had a bit of a dilemma, I have a very good friend (15years) who over the weekend came to visit me and hang a bit. We don't see each other as often as we would like due to life, but anyhow he confided in me that he has started growing weed in a micro style(computer cabinet) he seems to have done a good bit of research and is running gh micro/bloom Lucas style, but he definately has some issues, question is how do I help him without breaking rule#1, or do I just help and give up my secret identity as it were? Fear being that if he finds out about my op I'd have to become his full-time supplier and I'd feel awkward charging a good friend.... View attachment 3774233what he has done so far:wall:
That tough. I ran into a similar situation and had to play dumb. Keep with the rule I'd say it's better for your 15yr long friendship.
That tough. I ran into a similar situation and had to play dumb. Keep with the rule I'd say it's better for your 15yr long friendship.
Nice, so you think maybe I should just do some "research" and maybe give him some tips I find on the internet's? I do know he is using screw in a lightsocket style led bulbs, do those work well?
Nice, so you think maybe I should just do some "research" and maybe give him some tips I find on the internet's? I do know he is using screw in a lightsocket style led bulbs, do those work well?
That's what I did with my buddy lol plus and this is kinda fucked bUT if he ain't growing then he is definitely buying from you lol
Nice, so you think maybe I should just do some "research" and maybe give him some tips I find on the internet's? I do know he is using screw in a lightsocket style led bulbs, do those work well?
No really.not enough lumens to let the plant develop as it should..
Once you get him set up and running you can have someone to share genetics with.
