Club 600

Where's the device that's gonna arrest us all for driving on prescription drugs? They won't make one they need their customers out and about.

It's way too easy for them to arrest ppl for driving even slightly high $$$ at least make it reasonable and realistic but we all know reasonable and realistic isn't in the governments vocabulary.
FDA and DEA are controlled by Big Pharma, and so MMJ will always be a threat.
I doubt there will ever be a test for vicodin etc....
whodat:shock: that is very pretty, the umbrella like leave stacking. I had that once on a purple trainwreck, its very
exotic looking, thats is massive. what a monster.
I agree on the prescription drugs. I bet insurance companies still check blood reports before paying out on claims, so while peeps are driving around on meds they may not actually have cover. Probably worthwhile checking the small print.....underwriters don't make wads of cash for nothing (I have worked in both insurance and assurance industries and both industries are not happy paying out anything if they can help it).
However we are also hoping fr recreational mj to be legal worldwide so it's a slightly different scenario.
I guess it makes sense, or at least follows suit that i alcohol is recreational and tested bud will be as well.

Although I am unsure how the test ill work.
AS I understand alcohol metabolizes fast and is out the body in 48 hrs, while wed is months.
If this is the case how is the test reliable?
Will heavy smokers and edible users be found "under the influence" even 24 hrs after last use?
click on that article for a more complete report

Im not sure I believe the tester works as advertised.
I wonder what clinical testing was done to verify accuracy.
I its like some prescription drugs a single study was sufficient to satisfy.

I used to drink a lot.
I wasnt intoxicated till well after the limit, whereas others I know had a wine cooler and were wobbling, but within legal range
We will always be profiled by the the fucking ignorant as long as we let it happen
When go to the dispensary do you know what I see?
I see a clear cross section of society.
There are disabled, retired, young, and professional ppl.
Those judging us and passing laws are the same ones who partake in the smoke sessions behind closed doors.
Do as I say not as I do, so tired of that.
However we are also hoping fr recreational mj to be legal worldwide so it's a slightly different scenario
No its not, its like fucking basil is being "legalized". Sorry man this is a soapbox I am prepared to ride out for the rest of my days on this Earth.
Dont eat too much of that honey or you'll get high. Don't eat too many of those sugar filled donuts or you might catch a sugar high and run rampant.
No its not, its like fucking basil is being "legalized". Sorry man this is a soapbox I am prepared to ride out for the rest of my days on this Earth.
Dont eat too much of that honey or you'll get high. Don't eat too many of those sugar filled donuts or you might catch a sugar high and run rampant.
Every chemical affects our bodies and changes either our mental or physical state (or both) to some extent. The extent is based on individual physiology and tolerance based on receptor uptake and/or absorption rate and metabolism I would think, and other environmental elements as well.

It could be argued for example that someone angry or scared and under the influence of adrenaline is not fit to drive, or maybe a teen boy under the heavy influence of Testosterone is "drunk"
No its not, its like fucking basil is being "legalized". Sorry man this is a soapbox I am prepared to ride out for the rest of my days on this Earth.
Dont eat too much of that honey or you'll get high. Don't eat too many of those sugar filled donuts or you might catch a sugar high and run rampant.
Erm, ok, but you stay up on that soapbox and you'll probalby just stay being frustrated. If we are discussing legalalisation on a recreational scale, I am sorry but people need to be protected. And if that means making it illegal for stoned idiots to jump in a car and go joyriding and cause damage to others then I say we need to apply laws. Unfortunately not all human beings are sensible and some need protected and some need protected from the ones that need protection, need to see the story from both sides in all walks of life. And basil has never got me psychoactively high:)