Club 600


Well-Known Member
The only time I have ever seen a pole on a light mover was to push and pull another light....the main light goes on the motor...and a second light that rides the rail with out a motor gets pushed by the other....but that pole is way too long for about the would of been very pleased.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I have a dog question, or statement. The dog I have is extremely stretchy, inches between nodes, there has been no side branching at all. Every bud is tight up against the main stem. How is your dog behaving with side branching?


Well-Known Member
a DOG left untrained will indeed grow like this. Have a look at some of the plants on the Strain Hunters video in India, you will see tall skiiny plants, similar to these kush traits. Once trains the plant will develop the vine structure and you will also due to gravity obtain more colas that grow away from the stem. It's all in the training my friend. Hope that helps, but yes they are lankey bitches, kinda like the Supermodels of weed, hahaha
I have a dog question, or statement. The dog I have is extremely stretchy, inches between nodes, there has been no side branching at all. Every bud is tight up against the main stem. How is your dog behaving with side branching?


Well-Known Member
Having not had an issue exactly like that I cannot be 100% Willy, but it hold classic symptons of a deficiency in a few micro nutrients, I agree with the young Wally, zinc produces yellowing between viens, all of which will have a knock on effect giving you sysmptons of nitrogen def, potassium, magnesium , etc...somehow the plants roots are not playing ball with the nutes in the soil, so there may be a fault in the delivery. I use BAC schimmel, which you can mix in the soil on the top, then water through. Or something with mycoorhizae in a wash solution. I also use pokon to mend micronutrient problems.

can anyone diagnose this? i have never seen it before and im a bit worried. also i have scanned the net and cant find a pic that i can identify it with. any help would be much apprecieted


wally nutter

Well-Known Member
Having not had an issue exactly like that I cannot be 100% Willy, but it hold classic symptons of a deficiency in a few micro nutrients, I agree with the young Wally, zinc produces yellowing between viens, all of which will have a knock on effect giving you sysmptons of nitrogen def, potassium, magnesium , etc...somehow the plants roots are not playing ball with the nutes in the soil, so there may be a fault in the delivery. I use BAC schimmel, which you can mix in the soil on the top, then water through. Or something with mycoorhizae in a wash solution. I also use pokon to mend micronutrient problems.
gotta feed the soil not the plant


Well-Known Member
Thanks Zen. Actually the room is about ten by ten with an eight foot ceiling. To answer the rest, I'm gettin' old, I work five days a week and when I get home I just want to relax. Keeping a mother and growing the same strain over and over isn't for me. I don't want a production line going where I always have something that needs taking care of, I want to come home, put on some coffee, turn on the computer and tune in and drop out to the six hundred with a hot cup of coffee and a smoke. Relax with my family and friends here for an hour or so before my lights come on and then mosey into the garden to see the girls. I like to give them an hour or so of lights on before I water, I want to make sure they are good and awake. If I only grow six or so plants at a time, that's all I need. I'll have plenty left when my next harvest is due. I don't do this for the money, I do it so I don't have to spend my good money on shit weed from the streets. I give ounces to my friends at very good prices. I make my money back for the cost of the grow and they are extremely happy getting good weed at good prices. This is still so new to me, even after almost two years. I have so much I want to try and a bunch of different strains I want to grow that keeping a mother, doing the clone thing and growing the same strain doesn't interest me.

right on, right on. im like you i only give to friends at great prices to cover cost of the grow. im not trying to get rich either, but in all honesty, i smoke a whole lot and i really like to have a somewhat heavy continuous supply, something ill touch on later, but you are right i can be a pain introducing something new on a perpetual grow. thats why after two something years ive just been able to introduce something new(POWER KUSH).
now as far as the earlier statement about the amount of smoking i do, i was wondering if you, or any one might have an opinion on a "REAL" heavy body smoke,.....REAL HEAVY. reason is i've been suffering from insomnia for about tthe past eight nine years. very, very, very bad, maybe three or four hours of sleep at the most. and that's broken every two hours by my brain i guess. and since i dont want to get hooked on sleeping pills,....again, i smoke, and smoke, and smoke till i feel sleepy. but im getting tired of smoking "SO" much. so if you know or anybody else wants to chime in with a tid-bit of advice on a handy-dandy strain that will challenge those with very high tolerances, please fell fre to do so. this NL is good, about five bowls and im good, but i really hope the Power Kush is stronger. but yea guys, im all ears if you know of ANYTHING. Thanks.


wally nutter

Well-Known Member
right on, right on. im like you i only give to friends at great prices to cover cost of the grow. im not trying to get rich either, but in all honesty, i smoke a whole lot and i really like to have a somewhat heavy continuous supply, something ill touch on later, but you are right i can be a pain introducing something new on a perpetual grow. thats why after two something years ive just been able to introduce something new(POWER KUSH).
now as far as the earlier statement about the amount of smoking i do, i was wondering if you, or any one might have an opinion on a "REAL" heavy body smoke,.....REAL HEAVY. reason is i've been suffering from insomnia for about tthe past eight nine years. very, very, very bad, maybe three or four hours of sleep at the most. and that's broken every two hours by my brain i guess. and since i dont want to get hooked on sleeping pills,....again, i smoke, and smoke, and smoke till i feel sleepy. but im getting tired of smoking "SO" much. so if you know or anybody else wants to chime in with a tid-bit of advice on a handy-dandy strain that will challenge those with very high tolerances, please fell fre to do so. this NL is good, about five bowls and im good, but i really hope the Power Kush is stronger. but yea guys, im all ears if you know of ANYTHING. Thanks.

i dealt with insomnia for about a week or two this past October and it sucked bad. i couldnt imagine suffering from insomnia for years. Godspeed to you and may the dopiest pot burn in your bowl


Well-Known Member
Anyone here ever make BHO(butane honey oil)????? I understand the whole process on how to make but was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks!!!! And what would be the best butane to use??? I know there are a few that people recommend to stay away from...just wanna know what are the good brands to get and where to get em.


Well-Known Member
Anyone here ever make BHO(butane honey oil)????? I understand the whole process on how to make but was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks!!!! And what would be the best butane to use??? I know there are a few that people recommend to stay away from...just wanna know what are the good brands to get and where to get em.
Use Newport or London gas their cleaner, once you got the oil make budder it takes a bit of whipping but it's strong very strong!!!

MT Marijuana

Active Member
i would reccomend just making yourself some good bubble hash. I've done the BHO and it takes a decent amount, at least a few cans, of high quality butane otherwise it tastes like those cheap lighters.. You have to make the rig and then scrap a glass pan, get all your goo off... ugh. Once you have some bubble bags it's free everytime! I get the most product this way and the taste is by far the best! OMG it's always soo tasty and gets the job done quick, usually 2-3 tokes and I am GONE! good luck either way.

btw if you do do it, Wear good gloves! that shit gets cold, use a glass pan thats like 3 inches deep, don't smoke while your doing it, ventilate, and use 5x refined butane possible found at cigar or smoke shack. get a grip of cans, you don't want to be 2-3 deep and realize nothing has even come out the other end yet!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah...I saw one on youtube that the dude used 8 cans.......I have plenty of hash.....thats not the problem....the truth is...I love buying glass pieces...and now that I have a sic glass on glass tube I wanna buy all the little accessories to go along with know the ,ashcatchers,worked downstems,dozens of bowls,and the sweet looking concentrate accessories.....It's a little addiction problem I have....I do it with anything new I take interest too(my wife calls it impulse shopping)....the last thing I did this for was bow hunting.....700dollar bow and 1k in shit to go along with it....and all I've done was site it in...that was two years ago...any!!!!!!!Time for a bong rip!!!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
8 weeks 12.12 and i got my new digital ballast :)

sorry a blatant rip from my thread, more pics over there ;)

600w Lumatek with super lumens switch, not dimmable.

K-train started the flush about 3 days ago ;)

Lemon's (SLH?)
