Euforia 46 days into flower 600w hps baby!!
pic bumo
EDIT, I meant bump, lmfao
Psycho flash under 500 hps @ 36 days
had to post here with me mrss grow and its still short 100w lol
i aint had a wiff yet its at bk of tent ill do investigations laters lol
Aw, a big 6hunner
Westy, yer Misses wiz here first naw, but wur aw kindae happy that yer poastin on hur behawf ken!
She looks terrific old bean.
Listen tae this fur a bummer. So a goes to ma local grow store, pick up some pk1314 but they had no BN N (which is 25-0-0) So I cycles to the market to pick up some dates (fekkin love them) and I'm thinking, the Dampkring grow store has it, I saw it yesterday. So I then cycle about 15 minutes across town and decide to stop off at the British store to get soem Branston pickle (cannae go with out it!!) By this time it's pissin doon. But I came this way to get the BN N. So I get to the shop and walk up to where they had it yesterday, they have BN P (that sound wrong) BN K, but NO BN N. So I said to the little scrote that had already half heartedly said, alright to me (he was busy on the internet natch.) I said, where's your BN N? Sorry he replies, I just sold the last 10 bottle to a guy a few minutes ago. He bought everything we had, and was complaining we didn't have bigger bottles!! So I am thinking, fer FEKS SAKE, but I just cycled an extra 15 minutes for this. And the scrote say's whats up, so I tell him about the yellowing leaf, but two weeks to go. OH, BUT THATS NORMAL. ffs, did I ask his opinion. Nope. and then he said, you should have just bought the BN N yesterday. hahaha, cun-ny funt!
So no more business from me at the Dampkringg grow store. The ph meter that was on display was 90 bucks, it's on 75 at my off merchants,,,bah. But funny, because when I got on my bike in the ever more pissing rain. I thought about the guy with his REAL BIG N problem 10 litres of the stuff in one go....that's a big problemo. SO I smiled and cycle on thinking, it's only two week until I chop their heid, so who cares.....
Can you tell I just blazed the first of the day