Club 600


Well-Known Member
Great healthy plants DR. G Dre! are you a real doctor bro? could you like perscribe some drugs for me? I tell what, I'll give you half of everything bro....... lol thats tommy chong at the end of dres' cronic 2001.


Well-Known Member
Well the oil turned out nice :-) after my second attempt ;-) its ontop of my first attempt lol Im guessing i didnt give it enough time to dissolve and my kief turned into soft pliable hash. The second time I let it sit overnight and it did the trick. I used a handful of mixed popcorn and trim and ended up with 1.3 g of this stick mess.

And some Curing Blueberry haze, Im currently trying to reveg a portion of one of those ladies to keep the genes... not looking so good lol.



Well-Known Member
I had to meet someone today in a center where there happened to be some collectives so afterward I went into a couple and talked to them about taking meds off my hands. I have to say, one had a VERY intimidating owner and that guy turned out to be the nicest of the bunch. He said he'd like some samples of my stuff and then we'll talk pricing so I'm going to take him some once its cured for a bit.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there as another example of not judging a book by its cover.


Well-Known Member
heres a shot of some of the skywalker roots popping out the pot! only a week after being re potted...first pic is before re potting..second pic is the new pot with roots exploding! really thinking this strain may be a keeper! the clone i took off it also rooted faster then my other strains.



Well-Known Member
Hey 600, I want to know if anyone has experienced this before. Today, for some reason, I decided it was going to be a very rainy day and set up a flush station to flush my flowering plants before their next feed. Anyway, I've been noticing a foul, sewer, creek like smell coming from my garden. I just thought it was something stale feed on the floor of the tent somewhere and I'd get at it today while I'm doing the flush. Well as I went on I noticed it getting worse and eventually narrowed it down to coming from one of my White Widows. It was coming from the soil, and coincidentally it was the one I found the mushrooms in the other day. So I started flushing her and the crap and smell that came out of this pot was horrible and starting to stink up the whole house where it was covering up the smell of the plants. I don't know for sure but I think I pumped about 15 to 20 liters through this thing before the runoff was looking and smelling half decent. Not one of the other plants is like this, they all have a typical wet soil smell. I'm wondering if it's root rot. She has about 2 weeks or so left. I'm also thinking I'm going to back off on the molasses a little and add a couple/few flushes into my grows from now on. Particularly about 1/3 to 1/2 way through flower.

Thoughts anyone?
Thanks, Duchie


Well-Known Member
A flush station you say...IMG_1251.jpgcool, I usually like to do it around week 3-4 and completely stop using molasses about 10-14 days from harvest, good to get that stuff out the plants system. Not sure about the smell tho, sounds like the good microbes are not doing so good. What kind of nutes are you using? I would (and this is just me thinking) let her dry out pretty good before the next watering, my 2c.


Well-Known Member
If you think you have a pretty solid root mass you can pop it out of the pot pretty easily and inspect the roots. Maybe that is your best bet. I personally haven't ever experienced this though. You got som StAnkr3wt son!


Well-Known Member
A flush station you say...View attachment 1492550cool, I usually like to do it around week 3-4 and completely stop using molasses about 10-14 days from harvest, good to get that stuff out the plants system. Not sure about the smell tho, sounds like the good microbes are not doing so good. What kind of nutes are you using? I would (and this is just me thinking) let her dry out pretty good before the next watering, my 2c.
yep letting her dry out sounds like a good idea, yep.


Well-Known Member
I'd love to have your place whodat. I'm just waiting to get out of here, where I am right now, so I can set myself up nicely too. Everything has to be so compact and collapsible right now for me. Love the shower basin idea. That would actually be good as a floor for a grow closet, then you can do everything right there. Anyway, yes I plan to let them dry out for sure, probably nothing til Wed or Thurs and then a nice feed and they should be just fine. I think they're gonna be very happy. Hell I felt better for them after such a nice bath. Thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
A flush station you say...View attachment 1492550cool, I usually like to do it around week 3-4 and completely stop using molasses about 10-14 days from harvest, good to get that stuff out the plants system. Not sure about the smell tho, sounds like the good microbes are not doing so good. What kind of nutes are you using? I would (and this is just me thinking) let her dry out pretty good before the next watering, my 2c.
Should have been...

Another golden marketing opportunity gone to waste... ;-)


Well-Known Member
heres a shot of some of the skywalker roots popping out the pot! only a week after being re potted...first pic is before re potting..second pic is the new pot with roots exploding! really thinking this strain may be a keeper! the clone i took off it also rooted faster then my other strains.

niccccce root pr0n stinky ol' red eye!


Well-Known Member
Nice garden coryb. You must be very happy.

The garden. The whole garden. And nothing but.....The Garden.



Well-Known Member
Nice bunch to got there shrig. Got myself a lonely lemon skunk bean in storage i think i'll wait till i get some more before giving them ago. hows the yield on it?

copied a bit from log:
Update wk 6 -4wks flower (2morrow)

Took a look at the Dog plants leavesand i can see more signs of leaf damage, im not sure whats eating away at my plant and why only this one? I took a look threw my scope and can see some sort of bug on it. Going to hot box it 2morrow and spray with bug spray(cant remember the name).Apart from that the gardens looking good the Blue cheese looks like its going to spread out every where its going to need alot of tying up when it buds the stems are alot thicker than the normal cheese so it might be a bit more sturdy.The dog has some long spaced out branches not the best to take cuts from i took a few today anyway abit later in to flowering than i would like.
Got some Ghe ripen -anybody used it? Did you notice any difference in wieght or taste?
Heres some pic:

Attached Thumbnails

nice looking grow! they're so cute at that age!


Well-Known Member
Day 17 Of Veg
My Girls Are Moving Along Nice. Nothing but h20 so far and they seem to love it. I need to go buy some 1 Gallon or 2 Gallon Pots till they are big enough for my 7 Gallons. 6 more Days till my Super Soils ready :D