Club 600


Well-Known Member
I'm aware of Urine luck and have some on standby but have never heard of Wizzinator. I filled out the background check paperwork and faxed it off this morning along with the personality assessment paperwork (24 pages in all) and know of the company that they are using for this process. If the company I'm trying to get on with uses the same company for the drug test as they do for the background check and stuff then I could be in trouble because they use the hair folicle test. I was honest in the paperwork about MMJ to a degree and let them know I have a card and why and gave my primary care and Psych DR info in the paperwork in the hopes that they'll let it go.

I was recently put on a new med and therapy regimen that has made it so my back hasn't bothered me in almost a week and I haven't used MJ in about four days now and slept like a baby last night. I let my Psych DR know that he was right and that my back isn't really hurting now and he said to try going off the MJ so I'm kind of hoping they'll actually call him to confirm my story which is that I WAS using it and don't need it anymore so that when I fail the test, they'll know why. I also put in the paperwork that I'd be happy to retest in a few weeks to show that I don't use it anymore so hopefully...

Truth be told, I'm prety much not going to use it until I know if I get this job or not and then It's back on like Donkey Kong. I love me some good bud, LOL.


Well-Known Member
It's starting to look like I need to get a new av so I can keep up with all the ass that's being tossed around. I too am an ass man afterall and my wifey has a great one :)

Recently acquired a girlfriend of sorts too that doesn't have quite as nice of one as the wifey but has a great rack. I don't plan on hitting it even though she wants me to. I think I'd have a hard time doing that and then looking my wife in the face afterward. Never cheated on her before and don't think I want to. This lady is fun to kick it with at my son's Taekwondo class and I've been to her place thinking she genuinely wanted me to give an estimate on something but that's about it. She didn't really want me to fix anything but her plumbing, if you know what I mean, and it was extremely obvious the moment I walked in the door. Music playing in the house, nobody but her there, she locked the door behind me when I walked in, offered me drinks and asked me to kick it with her on the couch but never said a word about anything wrong with the house. I played along but was a good boy and now she's friended me on FB and has started emailing me asking me to lunch and junk.
If she wasn't kind of hot I'd tell her to piss off but...


Well-Known Member
hey buddy, you stay up my friend, hope things are good with you, have a nice weekend.

Stay high! :)
Wow, I am smashed oot at the moment, and I amn suppossed to go to a party my friend is DJing at (inside - no smoking I think - although sometimes they just say fek it.) AH well, off to ponder, take it easy and have a good evening.

PEace out, DST


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Oh man...
just rolled up a fat doobie of the good ol' reliable MTF and drifted off in deep thought at the half-way point and wandered in my mind for about 20 minutes before I remembered I have my hemostats with half of the joint left over, still still in my hand...
head resting on it...
staring blankly into the Void...
like some slack-jawed troglodyte...
("Smithers! Procure for me my Fabregé hooka at once! And be sure you fill it with CHILLED angel's tears this time. Now, be quick about it! I will brook no further impertinence from you, my loquacious toady!")

I am way baked...


Well-Known Member
Yo dez be careful with that. Can of worms tempting women can be... I don't think id trust myself.

Good to see you round gnome grown


Well-Known Member
I guess my clones aren't gonna root.....been 2 weeks. guess I misted them too much, or the lack of a heating pad? :confused: :wall:
Some went brown and fell over, others are yellowing like a deficiency or something.


Well-Known Member
I guess my clones aren't gonna root.....been 2 weeks. guess I misted them too much, or the lack of a heating pad? :confused: :wall:
Some went brown and fell over, others are yellowing like a deficiency or something.
Cloning can suck! They're yellowing because the plant is feeding on itself from lack of a root system. Pretty normal much of the time when cloning. What kind of medium? Temps, humidity? You using a dome? What are you PH adjusting your water to?



Well-Known Member
I guess my clones aren't gonna root.....been 2 weeks. guess I misted them too much, or the lack of a heating pad? :confused: :wall:
Some went brown and fell over, others are yellowing like a deficiency or something.
I never mist mine if they are in a humidome. Could be you were misting too much so the cut never needed to grow roots for water.

Also, usually when my clones start to root, they draw nitrogen from the lower fan leaves to grow the roots, so they yellow, and that yellowing is a sign that roots are gonna explode soon.

Another tip is to take your cuts when the plant is low on N, it helps to root them faster.


Well-Known Member
I guess my clones aren't gonna root.....been 2 weeks. guess I misted them too much, or the lack of a heating pad? :confused: :wall:
Some went brown and fell over, others are yellowing like a deficiency or something.
dude, look up real quick on how to make a bubble cloner, use aquafina water only and you will have 100% success with all your cloning needs, just make sure to have enough bubbles bubblin' and make sure to get a chintzy ass cheap fish tank heater, it'll prolly keep water to a predetermined 78f. all you need to know brother... take good note and build away
note to self, reread shit you write so you don't have to go back and edit shit while stoned, which i just felt the need to do


Well-Known Member
p.s.s. It's nice to not have to put a dome over the gals and have to keep them misted, it's also nice lookin at a shit ton of root growth and no yellowing of leaves