Club 600


Well-Known Member
Day 33~12/12

Berry Bubble

Berry Bubble clone in rdwc finally starting to take off :-)

Some fresh BnS clones. I think I got lucky somewhat picking a mother to clone out and not flower with the rest of the ladies.... Turns out she like making trichs in veg too :weed: Stinks stink stanks like a mofo!

I love your pr0n whodat! Making my LA Con look weak after seeing your beautiful buds!!! Very nice work bro!

@DST thanks bro, I am noticing a lot difference running both HPS/MH then just HPS alone! I love the mix!



Well-Known Member
Well, the old kitty cat actually pee'd a little bit tonight when we set her in the cat box after we fed her, so the kidneys are still working enough for that :-)
The doc said yesterday she didn't expect the cat to live through the night, and it's now 36-hours later. :-)
So she's still making progress :-D
Just rolled a fatty about as big around as my pinky finger to celebrate
It's an even mix of MTF, Blue Dream and Columbian Gold .


Well-Known Member
Doobie brother sorry to hear about the cat. Good luck.

6er's the pron is looking great. I have some great bud to smoke and still drool over the thread thinking if I could only have a taste......

I have my first physics test today, so it's a debate to wake and bake or not. I guess a couple bong rips will just help me relax, and it's on physic conversions which are pretty easy.
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Well-Known Member
Doobie brother sorry to hear about the cat. Good luck.

6er's the pron is looking great. I have some great bud to smoke and still drool over the thread thinking if I could only have a taste......

I have my first physics test today, so it's a debate to wake and bake or not. I guess a couple bong rips will just help me relax, and it's on physic conversions which are pretty easy.
Thanks, jimmer :-)
And good luck with the test!

Sorry, not sure what you mean? "flown".....??? Try google translate, it's pretty good bar getting the grammar correct.
I think he's asking how they look based on how old they are.
He's wants to know if they look okay or is hoping for advice if anything looks amiss so far. and also is asking about good nutes for soil and something else(?). (*edited to correct my miskates)
Welcome to Club 600, scullkur. :-)
Hello again dudes. This is last one pic of my album. Please tell me more about how to make good selection some grow stuffs for dirt and tnt ....



Well-Known Member
Man... typed an addition to the end of my previous post extolling the virtues, pros & cons, of organic vs. synthetic nutes (bottled and dry), about how any will give good results when used as recommended by the maker or by experienced growers who use the products, and his budget and what is actually available to him will help him decide which way to go, and it all disappeared when I tried to make it through a pair of capcha thingies...


Well-Known Member
I always ctrl-a ctrl-c before trying to click respond to anything that took more than a minute to write!
K Im lying, I'm on a mac now. Its cmd-a cmd-c!


My main question is to direct me to good soil what supplements to put her and if the leaves begin to wilt or something was wrong with leaves to help me I want to say that my lamp is not so good CFL ... 23w = 160w or so says on the tin Do I need something stronger or that lamp is good ?


Well-Known Member
If the cups (or pots) feel heavy with water, then they don't need more water added.
If they feel light compared to when you last watered them, them they need some water.
The seedlings are vulnerable to drowning until they have enough of a root system to survive the occasional over-watering.


Well-Known Member
For a little while the CFL bulb will be enough, since they have very small leaves for a while.
But more light will be needed soon enough.
Once they have a pair of true leaves they'll be needing more light.
I'm growing healthy seedlings under 40watts per square foot (40watts per .10 meters squared).

As for soil, if you have local garden supply stores, or plant nursery's that sell supplies, you can get nutrients and amendments and soil to suit any need.
There are a lot of soil mixes you can do yourself out there for cannabis plants, so someone else will be better off answering that question for you. :-)
I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil, and then re-amend it and re-use it each grow.


Well-Known Member
I always ctrl-a ctrl-c before trying to click respond to anything that took more than a minute to write!
I do the same thing. Type it up, ctrl A. ctrl X, just to make sure it all disappears, ctrl V, it's all back. Hit send. If shit fucks up it's all on the clipboard. That's for posts that take up to 3 minutes to write.

If I do an over 3 minute post/ PM, I compose it in my gmail. Gmail saves every few seconds so I don't lose anything even if my computer dies right then.

Wife and Baby are finally home now. I'm a happy man. :)


Lol this is fuuuuucking coool man !!! your babys is amazing GJ Bro :) First thank you for information. Now is the time where i need to say Tommorow !!! :D Tommorow i go for 40W CFL right ???