Club 600


Dudes im 100% when somebody of u trim down the cateledons the plants get more grow speed im new in this science but when i trim it the stems realy fucking grow verry veery fast :)


Well-Known Member

Bang! Bang! On the head!

Great episode....and early Michael J. Pollard appearance too.

BTW, I bought some of those bills online as gag gifts D. Hilarious.

Are those bills real or a gag?
They are real Mo. Zimmer is/was a trully fukked economy with Super High Inflation. Thanks Robert you dumb fuk! Don't know if you have much exposure to what the regime or system is like in Zimbabwe, but it's fucked.

Anyway, my Mums partner gave us £500 in single £1 scottish notes for my son when he was born. They are all numbered sequentially. By all accounts they go for about £5 for one note at the moment. In the UK they are still legal tender but are not really printed as they replaced with coins. It would be funny trying to spend them in England as you always get grief trying to spend Scottish issued sterling bank notes when you go South of the Border.....yet they threaten Scotland that if they seperate from England that they will not be allowed to take Sterling as a currency...quite funny and sad at the same time really.


Well-Known Member
well 30 days into 12/12 for my 2 dogs and 1 gigabud what do yous lads recon,,,, i dont think there nowt special like but gona leave about another 5 weeks at least
cant wait to get them out and a 2.4 in

1st 4 pics dog 1
2nd 4 pics dog 2
3rd 4 pics gigabud



Well-Known Member
Firday is going a bit upsy downsy so far....wifes day off so she's in bed and the wee yin only had half his expressed bottle!!! Dad not happy!!!! Then came the Poonami, lol. However he is dressed and now trying to pull his monkey toy into two:)


Well-Known Member
pictures can say a lot of things, but like my old parts says, "it's all in the smoking".....if everything was based on looks we'd have a bunch of idiots at the top of the human pile..oh, hang on, we do have a bunch of idiots at the top of the pile, lol.....
well 30 days into 12/12 for my 2 dogs and 1 gigabud what do yous lads recon,,,, i dont think there nowt special like but gona leave about another 5 weeks at least
cant wait to get them out and a 2.4 in

1st 4 pics dog 1
2nd 4 pics dog 2
3rd 4 pics gigabud


Well-Known Member
ii thats it i suppose, i just ment the crystals coming on i know 1 needs a bit nitrogen and have added it to the nutes the last feed.. still glad i never scrapped them tho the smoke should be good they smell lovely just not very much i doubt to last me 12 weeks or so haha


Well-Known Member
now heres a couple from my veg room aswell.......

1st 2 akorn aka snowbud
2nd 2 caramel ice
3rd 2 cuts from the selfed dippy ellsy (going to be potted up and took to the flower room to make sure she is a fem so i can get 10 for my 2.4)
4th 2 cuts from my dogs that are on flower now
5th 2 sage n sour
6th 2 skunk no1
7th 2 my dippy ellsy mother (hopefully she is a selfed)
last 2, 1 of my blue pit regs and then them all back in the veg room.....



Well-Known Member
They celebrate Valentines day but we tend not to. We celebrate everyday instead:)
Could be a hallmark card.

I get my kids tomorrow and my baby girl is turning 13 on Monday. I'm glad they aren't like dad, I was stealing my dads weed by then.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Poonami :shock: hahhaahhaa

You know i was telling the lads last night. I'm doing nowt for valentines, i take the lass out when we feel like it and get her a box of chocs or flowers now n then. got her a card obv! I'm not stupid haha

lad in the office has printed one of these for his lass!



Well-Known Member
I got the coolest present for the day today. Wife had craft time with babe while I was away the other day. It must have been fun.

I also found someone to guy my old guitar. I'm getting $350 for what I paid $500 for in 1998. Not bad return on something that has a lot of use over quite a few years.

And lastly, I visited my parolee friend yesterday in his apartment. He's doing really well and real wonderful surprise is Hannah loved the heck out of him. Like never seen her light up that much aside from her mother. It was so cool. Very rewarding moment yesterday, like everything has fallen into place. :)

EDIT: Yow owe me 9p. LOL