Club 600

i hope more of them pop for ya,i sure would like to see them ran...
them honeybee should be very purp come flower time..
Here's a great idea, let's create a place where we can all come and talk bullshit, show off our amazing green thumb skills, talk about our ups, and our downs, and reach out to people from all across the world............well, one thought we may have already done that, but this is becoming tedious.

Why can I not access this place with ease as I am use to? I feel this is the longest period of time that Rollitup has been so fucked since I joined, and I am sure prior to that there were not as many issues. The userability is absolutely toe up fucked. If it is a vBulletin thing then they should ditch it and find another solution.

Anyway, I am probably a bit noised up due to the few beers I have had:) But we got a babysitter heading in and my bongs are kicking in and the wee man is bathed and about to get fed, so Friday is looking mighty good so far....we're off to this place> it's all about beer and roast chickens! yipeeeee:)
Slainte mhath
i hope more of them pop for ya,i sure would like to see them ran...
them honeybee should be very purp come flower time..

I'm hoping so to lol. I still have 2 more so if in a few days more don't pop I'll throw down the last 2 and cross my fingers.

I'm hoping for some nice purp from them. All 6 of them popped. They only took 2 days lol. They want some honey ;)
Who the HELL is interrupting my Kung Fu!?!?

Well, two steps forward, and one step back here in Oregon:

Oregon dismays medical pot shops with munchies ban

SALEM, Ore. (AP) —
Hash brownies, space cakes and other pot-laced munchies won't be among the items allowed at Oregon medical marijuana dispensaries, state officials said, and that's drawn criticism from pot-shop advocates.

The Oregon Health Authority released draft rules late Wednesday for medical-pot dispensaries to follow when they open as early as next week under a new law. Although medical marijuana will be available at the dispensaries, the agency wants to ban sweets containing the drug because they could be attractive to young people.

But dispensary advocates said patients who take the drug orally need the sweetened pot products. They say a little sugar helps the bitter medicine go down.
"It just stinks," said Gary Stevenson of Portland.

Stevenson, who has cancer, said he prefers to take the marijuana in food because it's more potent and longer-lasting. As a member of the group Oreginfused Kitchen, he also makes and distributes the types of pot-infused foods that would be banned at dispensaries.

He said he doesn't want to go underground. "I'm striving for legitimacy," Stevenson said.

The regulations are designed to implement the bill SB 1531, which the Legislature passed earlier this month and Gov. John Kitzhaber signed into law on Wednesday. The law allows local governments to block medical marijuana stores in their communities until May 2015. It also lets the health agency set rules requiring child-safe packaging and prohibiting products that it determines could be appealing to children.
Scott Grenfell, general manager of an already existing dispensary, said he has no problem with that part of the new rules.

But Grenfell called "stunning" the proposed rule that would ban from dispensaries all marijuana-infused products in the form of "cake-like products, cookies, candy, or gum, or that otherwise may be attractive to minors because of its shape, color, or taste."

Edible products are "a good chunk" of his business, and some patients can only take marijuana in edible form, he said. Grenfell has applied for a license for his dispensary under the new law but has not yet received a reply.

Tom Burns, director of pharmacy programs at the health agency, said the rules were written under the "strictest interpretation" of the new law and "as broadly as we could."

Burns said the rules could change in the next few days. He's taking public feedback on them — and a lot of it — but "I'm not sure what I'm going to do."

He said he needs to get the rules in place for dispensary owners as soon as possible because the agency is already in the process of issuing dispensary licenses.

Lauren Cusick, also with Oreginfused Kitchen, said the no-munchie rule would "hurt patients more than it's going to help kids."

It was already affecting her business. One of her clients turned away a delivery Thursday because they didn't want to have the products on the shelf if they became illegal, she said.

Stevenson, whose products are in 11 shops in the Portland area, said he plans to make his packaging so unappealing he might add a "Mr. Yuk" sticker.

"Children in pre-school know (the sticker) means stay away," Stevenson said.
All those beers and all I would want is Guinness or Heineken! Can you still get Heineken Dark?

Wish I was there in the rain getting pissed with the Ds.

And still working on the paint job on the scooter.
It's been 17 years since I used an airbrush, so there was a noticeable difference in style by the time I finished the front cowl and the matching rear panels.
The front cowl looked like shit compared the the rear panels, so I started over on the front cowl, and it now matches the rear panels.
I'd have avoided this for the most part if I'd had enough of this laundry bag netting to cover all parts at the same time, but could only cover the cowl by itself, and then the rear panel together (just barely).
About to go back out and add the finishing touches to the color work.
Then clearcoat everything and finish up with final sanding & polishing/buffing.
Re-working the front cowl's paint was well worth it.
The tedious part starts this afternoon: texturing the scales, and adding highlights & shadows to each scale.
Pics later tonight.
Hey D - Call it "Club 600 2014" and then you can limit how big the thread gets because you can start a new one each year.
I'm temporarily on 40 per page.
Don't know how long it will last.

*edit: I can see 12 posts on this page, as of this post

**edit redux: can't navigate to older pages when in 40 per page here in the 600
The curious side of me wonders:

Are some of the 600 thread's problems due to it being stickied?

I know it could be a hundred different things causing the hiccups.

But one noticeable difference between this thread and the other large threads is that this one is stickied.

Just a random thought...
We do dooz it sticky here :-)
Wouldn't hurt to see if it makes a positive difference.
I'm just thinking that maybe stickied threads get put on a lower priority for data traffic since they are more likely to be static threads that are more read than posted in like here in the 600.

Who knows.
I'm pretty flippin' high.
It's worth a try...

There is still plenty of sticky icky in here if it would fix our problem :D

Kookie remix got me feeling sticky icky, ewww weee!!
Thinking about the future hash & erl now that I'm getting back up & running permanent always makes me smile :-)
Kills me to see all the good stuff you guys & gals get into while I'm vegging! :-)