Club 600

okay all harvest of C99 is done. took 24 total hrs to trim 5 lbs(spread out over 4 days).
Here is a screen full i had it full allot of times.and the jars its in.

I love old school audio gear, and there is some new stuff thats great too.
I have a large subwoofer collection Including, but not limited to Cerwin Vega, JL Audio, Atomic, TC Sounds, DEI, Peerless, Fosgate, Crystal Mobile, MTX, ID, JBL etc...
I just bought a used Memphis Big Belle amp for the girls car, or mine till I can afford a HO alternator the the XB.

AS far as cans the 990s sound so open its like another world...almost lol.
I want to try the HiFiMan HE-400s.
Hot as open sounding, but better sounding in other ways

BTW how do you multi-quote here now?
My brother and I are big audio guys. He more so than I. We've been JBL guys since birth. The old school stuff is good, but the excursion on the new models make it hard to match.

The last cans I purchased are the Audio Technica AD700's. Open beyond belief, but lacking bass. Fantastic cans for classical music though. I want the Vsonic GR07 IEM's next. I have the 06 model for the gym, and they are the best IEM's under $100 I've ever heard. I'm jealous of the DT's though. They are just beautiful cans.
Has anyone owned a honey bee? I know you can make it yourself pretty easy but if it does a better job I don't mind coughing up.

I've owned one, but only used it a couple times. It worked but I didn't know what I was doing and my BHO came out looking black. Was dark green really but you had to hold the oil up to a light to know it was dark green. Some people have told me I went wrong when I said I ground all the weed up before I started, they said I should have never ground or chopped it up too much.
Hey oldman, I'll try the lavender capsules. I've only tried the lavender oil that I used to rub on my wrists before bed. It did seem to help if I remember correctly, but it was a long time ago. I didn't know that they came in capsules, that would be so much better!
Nice harvest DC! Looking good!

And damn, that cola is huge twistitup! Monster bud. Was that one left untopped?

Sorry to hear about your brothers fiancee dez, that sucks :( so sad to hear these stories and they are getting far too common in the recent years
Has anyone owned a honey bee? I know you can make it yourself pretty easy but if it does a better job I don't mind coughing up.
Had one. It gets the job done if you do it right. Twistitup sounds strange, did you use the following filters? Never made bad bho other than blow out and holes in the screen so bits came out.
Ground weed pressed in the tube then freeze for a day before blasting butane through.
But i would go for a glass tube from ebay over the honey bee.
Nice harvest DC! Looking good!

And damn, that cola is huge twistitup! Monster bud. Was that one left untopped?

Sorry to hear about your brothers fiancee dez, that sucks :( so sad to hear these stories and they are getting far too common in the recent years

yeah it was untopped. But it was also a differant strain than that other bud in the pic. The large cola was a Crystal Haze. Most the other bud was Granddaddy Mango and a couple GDP. Mostly the Granddaddy Mango which is Mango Haze x GDP
Had one. It gets the job done if you do it right. Twistitup sounds strange, did you use the following filters? Never made bad bho other than blow out and holes in the screen so bits came out.
Ground weed pressed in the tube then freeze for a day before blasting butane through.
But i would go for a glass tube from ebay over the honey bee.

Sorry it wasn't just ground, more like ground in a Coffey grinder to a powder. Why some people said I should have never chopped or ground it 'too much'. Some guide said to do it, but wasn't the best thing. There was a bunch of leafy material too, I was told that could be another reason it was such a shade of dark green. I used the filters yeah and they were pretty much new because I only used the honey bee extractor a couple times. If you know what you are doing and don't make major mistakes a honey bee extractor can get the job done. For me it wasn't what I was expecting but for small scale or just to try out making BHO it works. But I could see where one of these glass tubes could be of much better quality.
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I actually made one out of a can of axe body spray, lol. I do not recommend doing this. I was just f'ing around and decided on my own that any tube shaped thing would probably let me know if I was going to be able to make anything worth investing in something better. The can was used/empty. I made a small hole in the bottom of the can where the stem from a can of butane could fit in and press against to spray in. Then the top of the axe I broke off. Cleaned out the inside of any past residue I could. Put some weed in the can, put a panty hose or something over the top and secured it with a rubber band. This actually worked well enough to get some BHO that looked like wax. I figured okay that was easy, so I ordered a honey bee to try and do it a bit better, cleaner, safer. But after a couple tries with that I gave up. If it weren't for than damning guide I read that said to grind everything in a Coffey grinder I'd of likely had a way better experience. I even went out and wasted money to get that Coffey grinder too, what a stupid guide I found that time. Come to think of it, It was actually a blender even. If I was about to make one out of a can of axe again, I would do it a little differently. I would break the top off first. Then pour in some rubbing alcohol and swish it around in the can, before making that little hole in the bottom.
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I took a branch off to get us over until harvest in a week or two. Got some slight fox tailing going on, which I think is heat stress related. Anyway, hopefully this holds the wife and I over for a bit. I'm about to do a quick dry in the microwave, then hopefully the rest of this will dry out over a couple days. Just stinks of coffee! Hope you guys have a great night and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
High, right back :)
Got a tester vape home today. Does herb and concentrate. Cant get the batteri to work,lol. Think its broken and wont charge.. (Text: Keep Christiania and YOU CAN NOT KILL US(Slogan))
Drawing of my room in the garage as im gonna build it. Do you see any problems or things i should do otherwise.( Yes i do see i can fit 4x600) :P
Like the 1.5meter footprint-Would it be smarter having 1.2 and then 0.6 meter for storage? :)
Any input appreciated.