Club 600

Talk about SUCK, started with 14 vegging plants, perfect temps, perfect ph, soil, little to no calamities, 1 Bd - CC Male, 1 BD - Male, 1 D-K Male, 2 GPB - BP - male, 1 BJ male, 3 Green Crack unknown ... wtf , looking like my grow will be short by several. Wish I had clones.
That's why I try to get fems. I got tired of kicking out half or more of my plants.
Some day I know I will breed plants but I can't justify the loss of time with 1 room.

I feel the same way, but after losing twice to Attitude and being marked by the Postal Folks ( at least it seems ), I have been trying to do local. Wish I could do 20 or 30 at a time then it wouldn't matter, but two tents is tough. Same issue last winter, grew 15 and had less than 50% female, must be smiling wrong or something.

That's why I try to get fems. I got tired of kicking out half or more of my plants.
Some day I know I will breed plants but I can't justify the loss of time with 1 room.

I dont want anyone to take me bad DC.. :-) I KNOW flouro can grow great stuff. This is under 220w of of mixed spectrum T-5 HO. pics are from journal here in 2009.. LOL . During that time I kept the flouro as head stash.





My point was this. Given the amount of Lumen per watt available with high powered LED. ANY Grower here in the 600 could probably do just as good than they currently do and probably better.

Im not challenging anyone or handing out lights.. LOL Of course, I also dont mail "things" or want "things" mailed to me..

What I am doing is telling folks here that I highly recommend giving DIY COB LED a try. Think of them as your t-5 ho flouros but on steroids. I think many here could get more yield with less monthly power consumption. My goal is to pass on the trial and error I have endured to all the folks here in the 600.

So happy growing you all! no matter how many watts you use or what kind of source!

Also... just so Im clear. I have never hit 1gpw ever. with any light. I think its because I run too much variety... I think I may come close to that goal very soon though!.
Oh okay thanks you. I understand. if you would have more T5 wow. They did good just not enough light. I see now.
I feel the same way, but after losing twice to Attitude and being marked by the Postal Folks ( at least it seems ), I have been trying to do local. Wish I could do 20 or 30 at a time then it wouldn't matter, but two tents is tough. Same issue last winter, grew 15 and had less than 50% female, must be smiling wrong or something.
Try Herbies or OSSC I've ordered with both and had no problems.
On another note I got the 9 babies up-potted and all are well.
I have not seen it. In general I think cob based chips will kick the shit out of the smaller chips. (Some cobs can be driven at 100w and not cap out, I run each of mine at 50w) GreenGenes is showing that his DIY cobs are on par w his apache at600 if not better. If your looking for a commercial panel give it some time. If not into DIY you can always find friends with those skills? :-)
GreenGenes did a side by side with at600 vs 1000watt hps and i love it. he rocks. If he said to me hey I have a light better I would say where can I buy it on a budget. I give 1/2 of my harvest away for free. yes free. iam not doing this to make money just break even hopefully. Speaking of which I have a patient brain cancer gonna die within next several months. He want simpson oil. I am 6-8 weeks from harvest. I have 2 weeks worth on hand. Pm me if you can help. he can donate 100-200 a week is all. Every bit helps. Again pm me if anyone can assist. I have to crash as I am takiing him to VA hosptial in am and have to wake in 5 hrs to do chores then pick him up. Man I know this life could be worse. He watched the video today and seen the light from rick simpson run from the cure.