If I could draw your attention to the '
Experiment #2 - Growth Of Plants' section of the above ARS paper which states......
"One mg of 1-triacontanol was dissolved in one ml of chloroform, carefully diluted with de-ionized water to make a 0.1 mg/liter solution."
When using Alfalfa meal/straw/or tea as a supplement for plants yes the plants may well grow bigger and better than those without suplimentation because of the naturally high nutritional content of Alfalfa which consists of......
Alfalfa ingredients:
* Triacontanol
* Vitamin A
* Thiamine
* Riboflavin
* Pantothenic Acid
* Niacin
* Pyridoxine
* Choline
* Bentaine
* Folic Acid
* co-enzymes
* Crude proteins (16 - 25% in dry alfalfa)
Amino acids (% in alfalfa meal).
* Tryptophan, 0.3 %
* Aspartic Acid, 2.3%
* Threonine, 1.0 %
* Serine, 1.0%
* Glutamic Acid, 2.7%
* Proline, 1.2%
* Glycine, 1.1%
* Alanine, 1.1%
* Cystine, 0.2%
* Valine, 1.0%
* Methionine, 0.3%
* Isoleucine, 0.8%
* Leucine, 1.6%
* Tyrosine, 0.5%
* Phenylalanine, 1.0%
* Histidine, 0.4%
* Lysine, Total, 1.1%
* Arginine, 1.1%
Minerals (contained in dry alfalfa)
* Nitrogen 3.75-5.5 %
* Potassium .75 - 3.5 %
* Phosphorus .3 - .7%
* Calcium 1 - 2 %
* Magnesium .30 - 1 %
* Sulphur .2 - .5 %
* Manganese 30-200 ppm
* Iron 20-250 ppm
* Boron 20-80 ppm
* Copper 5-20 ppm
* Zinc 20-70 ppm
........but it is not due to the Triacontanol content in such a scenario because Triacontanol is not water soluble so can not be utilised by a plant without prior processing.
However, Triacontanol on it's own can be isolated from said Alfalfa meal/straw, purified to lab grade (
View attachment 3380222 ) and then processed in such a way that a stable solution with water can be created, by using an intermediate chemical (Chloroform, Ethanol, Acetone, Polysorbate 20 with heat) to dissolve the Triacontanol in which is miscible with water so can then be diluted to use as a foliar spray.
I hope that clears up any misunderstanding.