Club 600

Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. Green cure is potassium bicarbonate. Big difference.

Potassium bicarbonate- Similar to baking soda, this has the unique advantage of actually eliminating powdery mildew once it’s there. Potassium bicarbonate is a contact fungicide which kills the powdery mildew spores quickly. In addition, it’s approved for use in organic growing.

I never said they were the same. I said basically the same. They are very similar. Also I said dish detergent, not dish soap. Huge difference....

It's cool I'll continue with how I do it and you can continue to pay GreenCure
I absolutely love what I'm learning this morning. :)

I should add then, sulfur burners are nice but they can cause more problems then good. You don't want to breathe that shit as it's very bad and you don't want any exhaust on while it's running. Stay out of the room until it's all clear. The other problem is that sulfur gets in EVERYTHING and can cause warranty issues, ie. a/c's and such. They are good but they have down sides as well.
@jigfresh since you said you want to learn this morning. Make some of this and your plants will thank you over and over. Ask @genuity I know he uses Bokashi for sure, not sure about EM1 for him though. Good shit, good shit bro.

Aloha thumbs and friends. I am back to give one of my biggest secrets away, it is my own homemade root inoculate or EM™/BAM(beneficial active microorganism) made with rice water, milk and sugar. There are many shelf bought version for ridiculous pricing, for those with the little know how to make ones own. House & Garden makes Root Accelerator,Hygrozyme, Sensizyme, Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice are some of the high priced products that my own home culture works as well as or even in some cases has even worked better. I know many growers that would not even think of culturing their own or even would have the know how to, but I offer you my knowledge for your own frugal organic gardening purposes. Not to mention how I have talked about recycling and composting with worms, now I will introduce you to the Japanese form of Bokashi Composting or fermenting and how to make your own home made cheap alternative Bokashi Buckets and Bokashi mix.


Effective Microorganisms, aka EM Technology, is a trademarked term now commonly used to describe a proprietary blend of 3 or more types of predominantly anaerobic organisms that was originally marketed as EM-1™ Microbial Inoculate but is now marketed by a plethora of companies under various names, each with their own proprietary blend. “EM™ Technology” uses a laboratory cultured mixture of microorganisms consisting mainly oflactic acid bacteria, purple bacteria, and yeast which co-exist for the benefit of whichever environment they are introduced, as has been claimed by the various em-like culture purveyors. It is reported[1] to include:

The concept of ‘Friendly Microorganisms’ was developed by Japanese horticulturist Teruo Higa, from the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa Prefecture|Okinawa, Japan. He reported in the 1970s that a combination of approximately 80 different microorganisms is capable of positively influencing decomposing organic matter such that it reverts into a ‘life promoting’ process. Higa invokes a ‘dominance principle’ to explain the effects of his ‘Effective Microorganisms’. He claims that three groups of microorganisms exist: ‘positive microorganisms’ (regeneration), ‘negative microorganisms’ (decomposition, degeneration), ‘opportunist microorganisms’. In every medium (soil, water, air, the human intestine), the ratio of ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ microorganisms is critical, since the opportunist microorganisms follow the trend to regeneration or degeneration. Therefore, Higa believes that it is possible to positively influence the given media by supplementing with positive microorganisms.
I was thinking of pressing this run. I rolled some of this up into a ball to dab. It bubbles nicely.

Rosin that bitch! I bet you will really love it lol.

You ever used Everclear instead of iso? I think @DST does it that way, Eerl or something I think it's called.

@curious old fart could probably give us the video to it. I remember it had some sweet music lol
good time on the earth juice! I looked for some but didn't know specifically what brands or where it would be. Gonna go pick some up