They sure sound the berrie's! It was like a bunch of strain's after my own heart lol
I found the F.B's, Don's Dog and DST's B.P all had a similar trait or to be fancy " Terpine profile lol ", they were very similar in taste. Don's Fireballs were slightly different but just as good in its own way!
The Dog ive had from 2010 is totally different, pure fuely funk, I'm hoping i can get a male out the f1 F.B's i have left, ive got to find a suitable male parent to keep it around as long as poss. It would be an injustice to the MJ world to let it go. Even the Sweet Stomper would compliment it well. I just done a pepsi challenge with my little bro with a little Dog and SSK, from eye he couldn't separate them and only the in your face fuel reek was the difference when sniffed.
The second one i done went 3 weeks longer and got an extra flush, just about to give it a go