Club 600


Well-Known Member
@jigfresh you holding it down buddy? Hows life in Spain these days?
Doing ok. Missing the plants for sure. The house feels empty with nothing growing. Daughters growing everyday, becoming more of a little person. Wife has a bunch of projects taking off, which is good as we are getting close to using up her retirement. I'm just trying to keep myself occupied and out of trouble. We finally got approved for our new visas, which are good for 2 more years. So at least I won't be living here illegally. Wife and daughter go back to the US for about 5 weeks in the new year. Will be a tad lonely here, but I'll manage. Hard trying to explain to little girl why I can't come with them. She's like, "Why can't you come with us because you had too many plants?" Like darling, that truly is the question. Oh, and I've gained a bunch of weight. Not very thrilled about it. Only one pair of jeans still fit, and those quite snugly.

It's olive time, so all the farmers are out collecting. It's also been raining like crazy. The coast nearby flooded like crazy. They got as much rain in 48 hours as they do all winter. Today is sunny, but a bit chilly. And completely unrelated to anything, I sang a song with a band at a concert night thingy. It was my first time singing in front of people, about 300 I would guess. Thankfully the spotlight was bright so I couldn't really see. Good times.

And DST is correct, been getting into Joga and meditation a bit. It's been good for mind, body, and spirit. Hope everyone here is doing good.


Well-Known Member
Been thinking on you three quite a bit since August. It's good to read this from you. I truly hope this gets over with right quick. Best wishes to you and your girls jig. Would love to see you friend! Keep your head up, your a good man. No one can take that away. :-).

I'm pulling for some good news for you man. Lots of positive energy your way.

Doing ok. Missing the plants for sure. The house feels empty with nothing growing. Daughters growing everyday, becoming more of a little person. Wife has a bunch of projects taking off, which is good as we are getting close to using up her retirement. I'm just trying to keep myself occupied and out of trouble. We finally got approved for our new visas, which are good for 2 more years. So at least I won't be living here illegally. Wife and daughter go back to the US for about 5 weeks in the new year. Will be a tad lonely here, but I'll manage. Hard trying to explain to little girl why I can't come with them. She's like, "Why can't you come with us because you had too many plants?" Like darling, that truly is the question. Oh, and I've gained a bunch of weight. Not very thrilled about it. Only one pair of jeans still fit, and those quite snugly.

It's olive time, so all the farmers are out collecting. It's also been raining like crazy. The coast nearby flooded like crazy. They got as much rain in 48 hours as they do all winter. Today is sunny, but a bit chilly. And completely unrelated to anything, I sang a song with a band at a concert night thingy. It was my first time singing in front of people, about 300 I would guess. Thankfully the spotlight was bright so I couldn't really see. Good times.

And DST is correct, been getting into Joga and meditation a bit. It's been good for mind, body, and spirit. Hope everyone here is doing good.


Well-Known Member
To what do you attribute the weight gain?
No freaking idea. Lots and lots has changed for me, so it could be many things, or any combination of them. I started exercising like crazy back in March. When I was doing that I was losing weight. Went from like 122 down to 108 or something... yes... I'm tiny. So anyways, I started to eat like crazy, take protein shakes and such. I also switched up the routine I was doing to be more muscle building. I got to a steady 120, which is where I like to be, and I was very low body fat. But then I stopped doing the exercises so much, had a lot of work with the plants. Still stayed around 120-125, just lost some definition. Then over the summer, I think it was mostly the stress but I started slowing going up. Then I got arrested beginning August, and stopped smoking then, I also started doing a lot of yoga, so not really exercising.

By middle Sept I was up to 135, and currently I'm around 150. I swear I'm not even eating that much these days, I think something with my metabolism has changed. Not all that weight gain is fat though. I've gained quite a bit of muscle in my legs, which have always been super small. It's a trip too, because I was looking at my legs the other day and don't really recognize them. It's like my legs trapped under a bunch of extra skin, or something, haha. Right about now I'm trying to eat better foods, and less in general. I should also start doing some sort of activity. Before I did a lot with the plants, watering, moving them around when needed. Mixing soil, etc. Now especially with the cold I'm pretty sedentary. I really don't like feeling myself jiggle when I run... Although I don't get very cold these days. It's nice to have a jacket on all the time in winter, haha.

You should have seen me in March though, I looked like an amateur body builder. Now I just bulge out the waist of my jeans, lol. And need to unbutton them when I drive.


Well-Known Member
No freaking idea. Lots and lots has changed for me, so it could be many things, or any combination of them. I started exercising like crazy back in March. When I was doing that I was losing weight. Went from like 122 down to 108 or something... yes... I'm tiny. So anyways, I started to eat like crazy, take protein shakes and such. I also switched up the routine I was doing to be more muscle building. I got to a steady 120, which is where I like to be, and I was very low body fat. But then I stopped doing the exercises so much, had a lot of work with the plants. Still stayed around 120-125, just lost some definition. Then over the summer, I think it was mostly the stress but I started slowing going up. Then I got arrested beginning August, and stopped smoking then, I also started doing a lot of yoga, so not really exercising.

By middle Sept I was up to 135, and currently I'm around 150. I swear I'm not even eating that much these days, I think something with my metabolism has changed. Not all that weight gain is fat though. I've gained quite a bit of muscle in my legs, which have always been super small. It's a trip too, because I was looking at my legs the other day and don't really recognize them. It's like my legs trapped under a bunch of extra skin, or something, haha. Right about now I'm trying to eat better foods, and less in general. I should also start doing some sort of activity. Before I did a lot with the plants, watering, moving them around when needed. Mixing soil, etc. Now especially with the cold I'm pretty sedentary. I really don't like feeling myself jiggle when I run... Although I don't get very cold these days. It's nice to have a jacket on all the time in winter, haha.

You should have seen me in March though, I looked like an amateur body builder. Now I just bulge out the waist of my jeans, lol. And need to unbutton them when I drive.
Grow some veggies or something bro, and get back into the exercise. At least growing some veggies you'll be working with some plants giving life...Great to hear you are doing ok though and the wife is sorting through; kids are so resilient so they arent a problem


Well-Known Member
No freaking idea. Lots and lots has changed for me, so it could be many things, or any combination of them. I started exercising like crazy back in March. When I was doing that I was losing weight. Went from like 122 down to 108 or something... yes... I'm tiny. So anyways, I started to eat like crazy, take protein shakes and such. I also switched up the routine I was doing to be more muscle building. I got to a steady 120, which is where I like to be, and I was very low body fat. But then I stopped doing the exercises so much, had a lot of work with the plants. Still stayed around 120-125, just lost some definition. Then over the summer, I think it was mostly the stress but I started slowing going up. Then I got arrested beginning August, and stopped smoking then, I also started doing a lot of yoga, so not really exercising.

By middle Sept I was up to 135, and currently I'm around 150. I swear I'm not even eating that much these days, I think something with my metabolism has changed. Not all that weight gain is fat though. I've gained quite a bit of muscle in my legs, which have always been super small. It's a trip too, because I was looking at my legs the other day and don't really recognize them. It's like my legs trapped under a bunch of extra skin, or something, haha. Right about now I'm trying to eat better foods, and less in general. I should also start doing some sort of activity. Before I did a lot with the plants, watering, moving them around when needed. Mixing soil, etc. Now especially with the cold I'm pretty sedentary. I really don't like feeling myself jiggle when I run... Although I don't get very cold these days. It's nice to have a jacket on all the time in winter, haha.

You should have seen me in March though, I looked like an amateur body builder. Now I just bulge out the waist of my jeans, lol. And need to unbutton them when I drive.
You ain't fat yet, just a little harder to kidnap lol, glad to hear you are doing OK, keep ya head up and find a hobby, I dropped 10 lbs trying to teach my daughter to jump rope, picked it back up a month later, but dropped it non the less:peace:


Well-Known Member
No freaking idea. Lots and lots has changed for me, so it could be many things, or any combination of them. I started exercising like crazy back in March. When I was doing that I was losing weight. Went from like 122 down to 108 or something... yes... I'm tiny. So anyways, I started to eat like crazy, take protein shakes and such. I also switched up the routine I was doing to be more muscle building. I got to a steady 120, which is where I like to be, and I was very low body fat. But then I stopped doing the exercises so much, had a lot of work with the plants. Still stayed around 120-125, just lost some definition. Then over the summer, I think it was mostly the stress but I started slowing going up. Then I got arrested beginning August, and stopped smoking then, I also started doing a lot of yoga, so not really exercising.

By middle Sept I was up to 135, and currently I'm around 150. I swear I'm not even eating that much these days, I think something with my metabolism has changed. Not all that weight gain is fat though. I've gained quite a bit of muscle in my legs, which have always been super small. It's a trip too, because I was looking at my legs the other day and don't really recognize them. It's like my legs trapped under a bunch of extra skin, or something, haha. Right about now I'm trying to eat better foods, and less in general. I should also start doing some sort of activity. Before I did a lot with the plants, watering, moving them around when needed. Mixing soil, etc. Now especially with the cold I'm pretty sedentary. I really don't like feeling myself jiggle when I run... Although I don't get very cold these days. It's nice to have a jacket on all the time in winter, haha.

You should have seen me in March though, I looked like an amateur body builder. Now I just bulge out the waist of my jeans, lol. And need to unbutton them when I drive.
Body got used to the exercise and went into a different mod maybe.
Skipping meals and eating less can cause weight gain as crazy as it sounds.
I lie down all day now with my issues, but weigh the same as in my avatar almost. I was 230 then and 220 now, less muscle and bigger waist though. I eat a lot still, not the 5k calories I used to.
My girl eats like once a day and that is why sh gained lots of weight.
If I eat cookies and donuts all the time I can gain 5 lbs in a month, but if I dont and eat oats brown rice etc...I can drop an inch off my waist in a month while lying down lol.
After you pass 25 yrs old weight changes are easier it seems


Well-Known Member
Merry Crimbo everyone, just flipped these

flip (2).JPG

Would normally give them a few weeks vegging under the 600's but have to shut down in March so on they go, however small. Probably for the best as I've over done the number of plants...again :weed:

Strains running,

Breeders Boutique
- Dog
- Bluepit
- Fireballs (seed)
- Deepblue x Livers #1, #2

- Goji
- Tree of Life
- Fatcherry x SSDD #6, #7, #9, 10
- Black Raspberry #1, #2 (seed)
- Sunshine4 #1, #2 (seed)
- Nepali OG x Goji F3

Exotic Genetix
- Lightsaber
- Kimbo Kush #1, #2 (seed)
- Trapstar (seed)

Tony Green's Tortured Bean's
- Gorilla Bubble BX2 #1, #2 (seed)

- Cuvee #1, #2

Reserva Privada
- Silver Kush

- Cheese
- Chem D
- G13


Well-Known Member
Golden strawberries 90u dry sift. It melts great but is leaving some char on my banger from the small pieces of plant material still in it so i'll probably rosin it. (first time making sift) View attachment 3859625
Nice, I've recently bought a 150u screen and looking to buy a 75u in the next few weeks. Solids are hand pressed from some old mixed trim that had been shaken to death in one of those hand held shakers. Probably a lot of plant material in there but it smells lovely.